JUNE, 1910]
The Gazette of he Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
shall be:—For members taking out a Dublin
certificate who have been admitted for three
years and upwards,
For members taking
out a country certificate who have been
admitted for three years and upwards and
are desirous of
voting for
the Ordinary
Members of the Council, £1,
For all other
members, 10s.
Each member shall pay his
annual subscription in advance, on or before
the first day of May in each year, after he
shall have become a member.
however, that members admitted for
first time in or after Michaelmas Sittings in
any year shall only be required to pay half-
a-year's subscription up to such first day of
May, and such new members shall be entitled
to vote at the then ensuing elections of the
Council, in the event of their having joined
the Society on or before the twentieth day
of November.
set out in Bye-law 3 shall be
entitled to vote at the election for Ordinary
Members of the Council save that members
who have been admitted
for upwards of
three years paying the 10s. (Country) sub
scription shall not be entitled to nominate
for or vote at
the election of Ordinary
Every member
taking out a
Country Certificate and paying
the sub
scriptions set out in the Bye-law 3 shall be
entitled to vote for the Provincial Delegate
for his Province.
MR. DAVID McGoNiGAL, Solicitor, Belfast,
died on the 4th May, 1910, at his residence,
Redcliffe, Strandtown, Belfast.
Mr. McGonigal, who served his apprentice
ship with the late Mr. Henry Seeds, Solicitor,
Belfast, was admitted in Easter Sittings,
1877, and practised in Belfast.
McCAi.i.UM,Solicitor, Belfast,
died on the 23rd May, 1910.
Mr. McCallum, who served his apprentice
ship with the late Mr. Conley Dickie, Solicitor,
Belfast, and with the late Mr. Charles C.
Russell, Belfast, was admitted in Michaelmas
Sittings, 1882, and practised in Belfast and
Legal Appointment,
THE Lord Lieutenant has appointed Mr.
George M'Elroy, Solicitor, to be a Resident
Magistrate for the County of Clare, under the
provisions of the Act 6 Wm. IV., Cap. 13.
Mr. M'Elroy was admitted a Solicitor in
Michaelmas Sittings, 1891, and practised at
Aughnacloy, County Tyrone.
Solicitors Seeking Call to the Bar.
THE Statutory Committee having reported
the applications of Mr. Brian P.
MacErlean, Solicitor, and Mr. John Walker,
Solicitor, to have their own names struck off
the Roll in order to enter as law students of
the King's Inns, with a view to seeking call
to the Bar, the Lord Chancellor has made
orders, in compliance with the recommenda
tions contained in the reports of the Com
mittee, directing the names of both Solicitors
to be struck off the Roll at their own request.
Mr. MacErlean was admitted in Hilary
Sittings, 1898, and practised at 73 Donegall
Street, Belfast.
Mr. Walker was admitted in Michaelmas
Sittings, 1893, and practised at 12 Trinity
Street, Dublin.
Finance (1909-10) Act 1910.
THE Council of the English Law Society have
expressed the opinion (and have published
it in the
of that Society) that the
additional work, now
the first
thrown on the Vendor's Solicitor in relation
to the payment of increment duty, is not
included in the scale charge for deducing
title and completing conveyance, and that
the Solicitor is entitled to a reasonable fee
for the additional work actually done ;
the same rule would
Solicitor acting for a Lessor.
The Council concur in this opinion of the
English Law Society, and recommend that
the profession should act as suggested by it.
Irish Land Acts, 1903 and 1909.
REGULATION, dated 24th day of May, 1910,
made by the Lord Lieutenant under
Section 23 (8) of the Irish Land Act,