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The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.

[MAY, 1910

Duty, and other matters consequent upon

the passing of the Finance Act, have been

referred by the Council to a Committee for


Half-Yearly General Meeting.





the Half-

yearly General Meeting


the Society

will be held in the Hall of the Society,

Solicitors' Buildings, Four Courts, Dublin,

on Friday, the 13th day of May, 1910, at

two o'clock, p.m., to elect Auditors of the



the Society;

to nominate

Scrutineers of the Ballot for Council to be

held in November next, and to receive and

consider the Report from the Council upon

two references from the General Meeting held

in November last.

' The following Report from the Council

upon said two references will be submitted

for adoption :

Reference No. 1. " To report



" General Meeting to be held in May next,

" whether it be desirable to make the follow-

" ing Amendments in the Bye-laws :

" That Bye-law 3 of the Bye-laws of the

" Incorporated Law Society of Ireland shall

" be amended by leaving out the words from

" ' the amounts ' down to ' other Members,'

" and substituting


' The annual

" subscription to the Society shall be :

" For members taking out a Dublin Certi-

" ficate who have been admitted for three

"years and upwards, £1... For members

" taking out a Country Certificate who have

" been admitted for three years and upwards

" and are desirous of voting for the Ordinary

" Members of the Council,


For all other

" members, 10s.' "

" That Bye-law 32 be struck out, and in

" place thereof there shall be substituted the

" following :

" Bye-law 32. All members paying the

" subscriptions set out in Bye-law 3 shall be

" entitled to vote at the election for Ordinary

" Members of the Council save that members

" who have been admitted for upwards of

" three years paying the 10s. (Country) sub-

" scription shall not be entitled to nominate

" for or vote at the election of Ordinary

" Members. Every member taking out a

" Country Certificate and paying the sub-

' scriptions set out in the Bye-law 3 shall be

" entitled to vote for the Provincial Delegate

" for his Province."

The Council have considered the effect of

the above suggested amendments, which

would be

to reduce

the. subscription of

members admitted to the profession less than

three years, to ten shillings per annum, and

to give to all Country members admitted to

the profession less than three years, the right

to vote both for the Ordinary Members of

Council and for the Delegate of the Province.

The Council recommend the General Meeting

to adopt the suggested amendments, and

notice is given that the President will at the

Meeting move the above amendments to the


Reference No. 2. " That the Council of

" the Incorporated Law Society consider the

" question of compulsory membership of the

" Society in the case of practising Solicitors,

" and report thereon to the Meeting of the

" Society to be held in May next."

The Council are of opinion that it is not


to promote




purpose of enforcing compulsory member–

ship of the Society, and they recommend that

no further action be taken on this reference.

Annual Subscriptions.

MEMBERS are reminded that the annual

subscription to the Society became due upon

the first day of May, as well as annual press-

rents (five shillings).

New Members.


following joined the Society during

April :

Barron, Louis, 33 Wicklow Street, Dublin.


John T.,

39 Fleet Street,


Ross, Alexander, 1 Upper Mount Street,


Commissioners to Administer Oaths.

THE Lord Chancellor has appointed the

following to be Commissioners to administer

Oaths :


William E. G. Lloyd, Solicitor, 35 Dame

Street, Dublin.

Thomas Larkin, Auctioneer, Magherafelt.