0f Jrelantr,
Vol. IV, No. 9.]
March, 1911.
Meetings of the Council.
February- 8th.
County Courts Bill.
THE following letter, from the Honorary
Secretary of the Bar Council, was read in
reply to the request of the Council that the
Bar Council would pass a resolution in favour
of the insertion of a clause in the County
Courts Bill which is to be introduced by Mr.
Brady, M.P., extending the jurisdiction of
the County Court to actions for slander,
libel, breach of promise of marriage, and
crim. con.,
limited to £50 damages :—
" Law Library,
" Four Courts,
"Dublin, 6.2.1911.
" The General Council of the Bar had
' before them the consideration of the pro-
' posed extension of
the County Court
' jurisdiction so as to include slander, libel,
' etc. They have also had before them the
' amended proposal to confine the jurisdic-
' tion asked for, merely to actions for slander
' under £20. They cannot approve of this
' in any form, as they consider that the
' original limitations were imposed to restrain
' frivolous and trivial litigation, and they
' apprehend that there is no reason to suppose
' that those arguments against the extension
' have lost any of their force.
" Faithfully yours,
" (Signed), HENRY HANNA."
It was resolved to request Mr. Brady, M.P.,
to introduce the Bill as originally drafted,
'and without the insertion of the clause to
which the Bar Council had objected.
Increment Duty.
The subject of the mode of assessment of
increment duty and the new forms containing
the particulars required to be delivered in
order to have an increment value duty stamp
affixed, were referred to the Costs Committee.
Smoking Room.
It was resolved that the room opening off
the gallery of
the Society's
large Hall,
formerly used as
a Library,
should be
furnished as a Smoking Room for the use of
members of the Society.
Applications by six Solicitors for renewals
of their certificates were considered, and
orders were made in each case granting the
February 22nd.
Four Courts, Stamp Office.
accordance with a suggestion of a
member of the Society, it was resolved that
a letter be written to • the Controller of the
Inland Revenue requesting that arrangements
should be made for expediting the impressing
of judicature fee funds in the Stamp Office.
Grants of Probate and Administration.
A regulation having been made that in
future, Grants of Probate and Administration
issued upon paper
instead of
parchment as heretofore, it was resolved that
a letter be written to Mr. Justice Madden
requesting that arrangements be made, so
that the person applying for the grant could
have it upon parchment by payment of a
fee to cover the cost price of the parchment.