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MARCH, rgi i]

The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.


the consideration of your letter the following

resolution was passed in reply :—

' That the Association had no part in

' the appointment of the Election Agent in

' the St. Stephen's Green Division


' January, 1910, and December, 1910, but

' that they have ascertained the appoint-

' ments referred to were made with the

' concurrence of

the Solicitor



' Association.'

" Yours faithfully,

" (Signed), H. ROBT. TOPPING.

" The Secretary,

" The Incorporated Law Society of

" Ireland."

Apprentices' Debating Society.

"The British Policy of Free Imports"

was the subject selected by the Council for

the medal to be awarded for Composition for

Session 1910-11.

Wood Pavement outside Courts.

It was resolved to again draw the attention

of the Corporation of Dublin to the necessity

for wood pavement being laid down in the

streets surrounding the Four Courts and

Dublin Metropolitan Police Courts.


An application by a Law Clerk for liberty

to^be bound under Section 16 was considered

and granted.

Council Meetings.

MEETINGS of the Council will be held upon

the following dates :—

March 8th and 22nd.

April 19th.

New Members.



joined the Society during

February, 1911 :—

Beatty, Walter, 9 Eustace Street, Dublin.

O'Shea, Michael, Kilrush, Co. Clare.

Committee Meetings,

THE following Committee meetings were held

during February :—

Costs, 3rd and 15th.

Gazette, 9th.


Court of Examiners, 17th.

Land Act, 24th.

Commissioner to Administer Oaths.








to be a Commissioner


administer Oaths :—

Henry Ernest Benner, Actuary, Waterfofd.

Legal Appointments.

MR. WILLIAM HEALY, Solicitor, of Ennis, has

been appointed to the united office of Clerk

of the Crown and Peace of County Clare.

MR. WILLIAM FRY, J.P., Solicitor, 14 Lower

Mount Street, Dublin, has been elected to

the office of Honorary Secretary of


Dublin Chamber of Commerce.


MR. JAMES DONNELLAN, Solicitor, Dublin,

died upon the 12th February, 1911, at his

residence, 5 Brighton Road, Rathgar, Co.


Mr. Donnellan, who served his apprentice

ship with the late Mr. Patrick King, Upper

Dorset Street, Dublin, and with the late

Mr. Alfred H. Micldleton, 27 York Street,

Dublin, was admitted in Trinity Term, 1872,

and practised formerly at 10 South Frederick

Street, Dublin, and subsequently at 43 Dame

Street, Dublin, up to the year 1890, when he


MR. CORNELIUS O'RoRKE, Solicitor, Dublin,

died, upon the 19th February, 1911, at his

residence, Whitehall Terrace, Clontarf, Co.


Mr. O'Rorke, who served his apprenticeship

with Mr. M. J. O'Farrell, of 29 Bachelor's

Walk, Dublin, Mr. Frederick Kennedy, 4 Lr.

Ormond Quay, Dublin, and Mr. Michael C.

Hackett, of 5 Lr. Sackville Street, Dublin,

was admitted in Hilary Sittings, 1898, and

practised formerly at No. 5 and latterly at

No. 1 Lower Sackville Street, Dublin.

MR. BINDON SCOTT, Solicitor, Dublin, died


the 20th February,


at his


1 Grosvenor Place, Rathmines,

Co. Dublin.