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Financial Information concerning the Group’s Assets and Liabilities, Financial Condition andResults

Group Consolidated Financial Statements



2016 Registration Document

fulfilment of objectives, and verifying the overall consistency

cash-generating units (CGU) in terms of profitability and the

reviewing the outlooks for each of the smallest groups of

under management’s supervision. We have reviewed the

from the strategic plans prepared by each of these CGUs

of the assumptions adopted with the forecast data taken

appropriate disclosure.

Note 13 to the consolidated financial statements provides

calculations performed by your company and verified that

financial statements provides appropriate disclosure.

We also verified that the Note 14 to the consolidated

with regard to the business plans of the underlying projects.

internal development costs recognized in the balance sheet

available to us, our work consisted in analyzing the

development costs. Based on the information made

outlines the principles and methods used to recognize

Section of the consolidated financial statements

The Note “Intangible assets other than goodwill” under

assessing the capitalized amounts and the valuation of

procedures used to capitalize and amortize these costs and

ensuring that the methods were correctly applied, and in

information made provided to us, our work consisted in

applied with respect to revenue recognition. Based on the

the consolidated financial statements outlines the methods

The Note “Revenue recognition” under Section of

assessing the appropriateness of the information provided

estimates used by management.

consisted in assessing the reasonableness of the accounting

in the note mentioned above. In addition, our work also

opinion in the first part of this report.

whole and therefore contributed to the expression of our

approach for the consolidated financial statements taken as a

These assessments were performed as part of our audit

Specific verification


information presented in the Group’s management report.

standards applicable in France, we have also verified the

As required by French law, in accordance with professional

consistency with the consolidated financial statements.

We have no matters to report as to its fair presentation and its

Neuilly-sur-Seine, March

30, 2017

The Statutory Auditors

French original signed by

Deloitte & Associés

Jean-Pierre Agazzi

Grant Thornton

French member of Grant Thornton International

Victor Amselem