Financial Information concerning the Group’s Assets and Liabilities, Financial Condition andResults
Parent Company summary financial statements
2016 Registration Document
is recognized at the completion of the service.
Income relating to other services performed on behalf of clients
multiple elements, which may include a combination of different
The Group may sign in some cases service contracts with
when they are separately identifiable;
Revenue is recognized separately for each of the elements
A set of contracts is combined and treated as a single
or following one another without interruption.
margin and that the contracts are performed concurrently
they are, in fact, part of a single project with an overall
single package, the contracts are so closely interrelated that
contract when the group of contracts is negotiated as a
profitability studies on service contracts to determine whether
The Group performs regularly and in special circumstances,
immediately covering the loss in its entirety.
the contract will be unprofitable, a provision for loss is recorded
completion need to be revised. If these estimates indicate that
the latest estimates of revenue, costs and percentage of
Other operating income and expenses
items coming from ordinary activities and extraordinary items.
“Other operating income and expenses” include exceptional
or because they rarely occur.
business either because they are unusual in amount or impact
achievement is not related to the current operation of the
Exceptional items from ordinary activities are those whose
Tax consolidation agreement
subsidiaries with effect as of January
1, 2015. Subsidiaries which
a group tax consolidation agreement with its French
As per article
223-A of the French Fiscal Code, Worldline signed
are part of this tax consolidation are:
Worldline participations 1;
Worldline Bourgogne.
Arabor are not part of the tax consolidation anymore.
Following Equens’s operation, the subsidiaries Mantis and
only entity liable for the corporate tax of the group tax
Worldline as parent company of the Group is designated as the
The main features of the agreement are:
they had been taxed individually;
The result of the consolidated companies is determined as if
consolidation members will be only temporary since the
Tax savings related to the use of the tax losses of the tax
subsidiaries concerned will still be able to use them.
booked without being part of such tax agreement
charge or a tax profit equivalent to the one it would have
statements during the participation to the tax agreement a tax
principle and each subsidiary will recognize in its financial
This tax consolidation agreement is in line with the neutrality
The tax losses of the tax group can be indefinitely carried forward.
Tax credit for competitiveness and employment
The relative income to CICE is of € 3.4 million for 2016. CICE is
reported as a reduction in staff costs.
develop new features which reinforce offers to our customers.
During 2016, this CICE was used to invest in different projects, to