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The Mission of the Career Services Center is to provide career services in a supportive and proactive manner for

Jackson State University students and alumni including information and counseling on career choices, graduate

and professional school opportunities, internship opportunities, and part-time and full-time employment op-

portunities. The Career Services Center also provides effective and efficient services to employers through

recruitment programs and activities.


Career Coaching,

to assist students in developing

realistic and innovative career goals.

Job Search Skills Development,

includes provid-

ing assistance with resume and cover letter writing

and the interview process.



on-line Career Center that allows

JSU students and alumni to electronically submit

resumes to employers, search for internships, part-

time and full-time jobs, and search for employer


On-Campus Interviews,

accomodate numerous

employers annually to conduct interviews with

students for internship, and full-time career oppor-


Internship Programs,

to integrate classroom theory

with practical experience in the work place.

Career Resources,

include brochures and manuals

that contain information on: graduate and profes-

sional schools; employment outlook and oppor-

tunities in business, industry, government, social

service, and education; profiles of major corpora-

tions; information on salary expectations; and job-

seeking guides.


Graduate and Professional Schools Day,

a service

to junior, senior, and graduate students who con-

template further study upon their graduation from

Jackson State.

Career Fair,

an event designed for all Jackson State

University students and seeks to familiarize them

with various professions and career fields through

face-to-face interaction with representatives of the

private and public sector job markets.

Teacher Recruitment Day,

an event designed to

allow school systems from across the nation to in-

terview prospective Teacher Education graduates

for job openings in their respective schools.

Career/Internship Fair,

an event designed to fa-

miliarize students with internship opportunities

within their chosen majors.