CONSTRUCTION WORLD APRIL 2015to SANS 1580 is grey and has a nominal thick-
ness of 0,5 mm and the PA6 nylon coating to
EN 10245-5 is black and has a nominal thick-
ness of 0,4 mm. The dimensions are given in
length of tail from the front face x width of the
front face x height of the front face. Attached
to the inside facing is a biodegradable ECB,
a welded steel panel and two steel brackets,
preformed to a 70° slope angle.
Considerate to the environment
The Green Terramesh® system is a versatile
solution for the design of steep slopes that
have to be constructed in confined spaces. Its
use in conjunction to high strength geosyn-
thetic grid reinforcement makes it possible to
carry relatively high loads for the full design
life, at strains within serviceability require-
ments. Careful attention to the natural vege-
tative processes makes it possible to blend
the structure in with the surrounding environ-
ment. The contractor should be fully compe-
tent in normal civil engineering works such as
material selection, setting out and compac-
tion control and also be capable of working
harmoniously with nature to take care of and
improve the environment, where possible.