Fundamentals & Skills
Fundamentals of Nursing: The Art and Science of Person-
Centered Nursing Care, Eighth Edition, International Edition
Carol Taylor, PhD, MSN, RN
978-1-4511-9388-6 • October 2014 • Hardbound • 8.375” x 10.875” • 1816 pp. • 290 illus • 160Tables
978-1-4511-8561-4 • North American Edition: Available in US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands only
Help your students develop the blended competencies (cognitive,
technical, interpersonal, and ethical/legal) they will need to effectively
care for patients in both institutional and community-based
practice settings with this updated Eighth Edition of the best-selling
Fundamentals of Nursing
Reflecting today’s rapidly evolving healthcare delivery system, the
Eighth Edition offers new content, new pedagogy, a revised art and
photo program, and a wide range of online teaching and learning
resources to save you time and help your students succeed.
NEW! Reflection questions for cultivating QSEN competencies
encourage critical thinking.
NEW! Content on patient safety
includes expanded safety
information related to children, adolescents, and older adults.
Streamlined coverage
helps students focus on the fundamentals
they need to know for competent, caring nursing.
An expanded chapter, “Oxygenation and Perfusion,”
balanced coverage of respiratory and cardiovascular content.
Asepsis coverage
, now appearing at the beginning of the clinical
chapters, aligns with student learning needs.
Revisions in each clinical chapter
help educators and students
remain current through expanded information on genomics, new
information on SIDS and SUID (sudden unexplained infant death),
an expanded discussion of childhood obesity, and coverage of the
dangers associated with energy drinks, synthetic marijuana, and
bath salts.
PICO in Practice: Asking Clinical Questions boxes
show students
how to do a critical appraisal of the most relevant evidence to
answer an important clinical question using the PICO (population,
intervention, comparison, & outcome) model.
More than 70 Nursing Skills
show both actions and rationales,
highlight special considerations and unexpected outcomes, and
include documentation guidelines and samples.
Chapter-opening Patient Scenarios
present three “patients”
with photos and a short description of their cases. To reinforce
learning and engage the reader, the three “patients” are mentioned
throughout the chapter in
case scenario narratives
that support
clinical examples from the text.
Table of Contents
Unit I:
Foundations of Nursing
Unit II:
Health Care Delivery
Unit III:
Person-Centered Care and
the Nursing Process
Unit IV:
Promoting Health Across the
Roles Basic to Nursing Care
Actions Basic to Nursing Care
Promoting Healthy
Physiologic Responses
Promoting Healthy
Psychosocial Responses
Appendix A:
Guidelines for
Delegation Decision Making
Appendix B:
Appendix C:
Normal Adult Laboratory
Skill Checklists for Fundamentals of Nursing: The Art and
Science of Person-Centered Nursing Care, Eighth Edition
Thomas H. McConnell, MD, FCAP
978-1-4511-9366-4 •October2014 •Softbound •8.375”x10.875” •176pp.
Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing: The Art and
Science of Person-Centered Nursing Care, Eighth Edition
Carol Lillis, MSN, RN
978-1-4511-9272-8 •September2014 •Softbound •8.375”x10.875” •440pp. •35 Illus.