Nursing for Wellness in Older Adults, Seventh Edition
Carol A. Miller, MSN, RN-BC, AHN-BC
978-1-4511-9083-0 • September 2014 • Hardbound • 8.375” x 10.875” • 656 pp. • 263Tables
Prepare your students to provide effective, wellness-oriented
nursing care for older adults in any healthcare setting with
for Wellness in Older Adults, Seventh Edition
. The book provides
comprehensive, easy-to-understand coverage of the theory and
practice of gerontological nursing, addressing both physiologic and
psychosocial aspects of aging, as well as broader issues such as cultural
competence and legal and ethical concerns. Organized around the
author’s unique Functional Consequences Theory, the book explores
age-related changes as well as the risk factors that often interfere with
optimal health and functioning.
An online map correlates AACN/HIGH standards to pages in
the text.
NEW! QSEN examples
of application of knowledge, skills, and
attitudes for care plans relate to unfolding case examples in the
text, and an online
shows how book content integrates
QSEN concepts.
NEW! Caregiver wellness boxes
show students how to educate
caregivers in taking care of themselves while caring for their
patients. In addition,
Wellness Opportunities
are sprinkled
throughout the clinically oriented chapters to draw attention to
ways in which nurses can promote wellness during the usual course
of their care activities.
boxes provide the reader with specific approaches
for nursing assessment. Commonly used assessment tools are
described (and, in many cases, illustrated).
boxes provide succinct guides for nursing
interventions, with a strong focus on health promotion. Guides
for “best practices” in nursing interventions are given. Many of the
interventions boxes can be used as tools for teaching older adults
and their caregivers about how to improve functional abilities. All
Interventions boxes can be downloaded from this book’s companion
web page.
The author’s unique Functional Consequences Theory
age-related changes as well as the risk factors that often interfere
with optimal health and functioning.
Student perspective boxes
with real life stories from nursing
students demonstrate the application of topics to real world
practice settings.
Diversity Notes
Cultural Considerations
cover varied
populations to prepare students to work effectively with patients of
any culture or ethnicity.
Evidence-Based Practice
boxes are included in clinically oriented
chapters to summarize guidelines for research based care of older
Table of Contents
Part 1:
Older Adults and Wellness
Ch. 1: Seeing Older Adults Through the Eyes
of Wellness
Ch. 2: Addressing Diversity of Older Adults
Ch. 3: Applying a Nursing Model for
Promoting Wellness in Older Adults
Ch. 4: Theoretical Perspectives on Aging Well
Part 2:
Nursing Considerations for
Older Adults
Ch. 5: Gerontological Nursing and Health
Ch 6: Diverse health Care Settings for Older
Ch. 7: Assessment of Health and Functioning
Ch. 8: Medications and Other Bioactive
Ch. 9: Legal and Ethical Concerns
Ch. 10: Elder Abuse and Neglect
Part 3:
Promoting Wellness in
Psychosocial Function
Ch. 11: Cognitive Function
Ch. 12: Psychosocial Function
Ch. 13: Psychosocial Assessment
Ch. 14: Impaired Cognitive Function:
Delirium and Dementia
Ch. 15: Impaired Affective Function:
Part 4:
Promoting Wellness in
Physical Function
Ch. 16: Hearing
Ch. 17: Vision
Ch. 18: Digestion and Nutrition
Ch. 19: Urinary Function
Ch. 20: Cardiovascular Function
Ch. 21: Respiratory Function
Ch. 22: Mobility and Safety
Ch. 23: Integument
Ch. 24: Sleep and Rest
Ch. 25: Thermoregulation
Ch. 26: Sexual Function
Part 5:
Promoting Wellness in All
Stages of Health and Illness
. . . Abridged to fit