Leadership & Management • Issues & Trends
Informatics and Nursing:
Opportunities and Challenges, Fourth Edition
Jeanne P. Sewell, RN, MSN
978-1-60913-695-6 • February 2012 • Softbound • 7” x 9” • 512 pp. • 60 Illus.
This comprehensive text reviews the concepts and applications of
nursing informatics.Startingwith an introductionto nursing informatics,
the contents proceed from Unit One which covers computer basics to
Unit Five which examines skills and techniques for using the end product
of informatics: data. Other units review the effects that the Internet is
having on healthcare, the ins and outs of using personal productivity
software, and informatics in the clinical area.
• Windows 7 operating system (OS) and Microsoft Office 2010 are
introduced in Units One and Two since they were released this year.
• Since the students who will be using this course are more
“computer savvy” than their predecessors, additional information
management skills have been introduced beginning with Chapter
2. Although the book still uses Microsoft Windows as a standard
(because it is still the most common OS used by healthcare
agencies), there is some comparison with the Apple OS to assist
Mac users to understand and see the relevance of the concepts
• Although younger students have “grown up with computers”, most
do now know what they do not know. The authors have created
a skill list that identifies basic, intermediate, and advanced skills
for the chapters on word processing, spreadsheets, presentation
software, and databases. Students are challenged to learn new skills.
• Downloadable files have been created to accompany each of the
chapters on office suite software. The files can be downloaded from
the textbook web site. Learners will be able to manipulate the data
that they read about in the textbook. As an example, a template
for the APA 6th edition has been created because citation writing
style is a concept that many of today’s students have difficulty
understanding and using correctly.
• Each chapter of office suite software introduces two alternatives
in addition to Microsoft Office. Google Docs was selected as a
cloud computing alternative.
OpenOffice.orgwas selected as an
open source alternative. Learners are encouraged to practice skills.
Learners with intermediate skills are encouraged to practice skills on
two or more platforms.
• In Units Four, Five and Six — there is increased emphasis on data
security, confidentiality, and disaster recovery. HIPAA issues and the
implications of the HITECH Act have been threaded throughout the
chapters in these three units. These three units also reflect changes
coordinated by the ONC. Chapter 18 on
Electronic Healthcare
now includes a full discussion of concepts related to
business continuity planning and disaster recovery.
Table of Contents
Unit I:
Information Basics
Ch. 1: Introduction to Nursing Informatics:
Managing Healthcare Information
Ch.2: Software: Information Management
Ch. 3: Computer Productivity Concepts:
Common Features
Ch. 4: Computers and Networking
Unit II:
Computers and Your
Professional Career
Ch. 5: Professional Networking
Ch. 6: Mastering Word Processing
Ch. 7: Presentation Software: Looking
Professional in the Spotlight
Ch. 8: Spreadsheets: Making Numbers Talk
Ch. 9: Databases: Creating Information
from Data
Unit III:
Information Competency
Ch. 10: The Internet: A Road to Evidence-
Based Practice Information
Ch. 11: Finding Knowledge in the Digital
Library Haystack
Ch. 12: Mobile Computing: Finding
Knowledge in the Palm of your Hand
Unit IV:
The New Healthcare
Ch. 13: The Consumer and the Electronic
Health Record
Ch. 14: The Empowered Consumer
Ch. 15: Interoperability at the international
and National Level
Ch.16: Nursing Documentation in the Age
of the Electronic Health Record
Healthcare Informatics
Computer Uses in Healthcare
Beyond Clinical Informatics
Appendix A:
Computer Hardware
. . . Abridged to fit
Informatics and Nursing:
Opportunities and Challenges, Fifth Edition
Jeanne P. Sewell, RN, MSN
978-1-4963-0893-1 • October 2015 • Softbound • 7” x 9” • 512 pp