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Leadership & Management • Issues & Trends

Leadership Roles and Management Functions in Nursing:

Theory and Application, Eighth Edition, International Edition

Bessie L. Marquis, RN, CNAA, MSN

978-1-4698-5571-4 • Feburary 2014 • Softbound • 7” x 10” • 624 pp.

978-1-4511-9281-0 • North American Edition: Available in US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands only

Develop the skills you’ll need on the job — from organizing patient care

and motivating staff to managing conflict and working collaboratively

— with this new edition of

Leadership Roles and Management

Functions in Nursing


The authors provide a concise, user-friendly synthesis of application

and theory and a unique focus on critical thinking, problem solving,

and decision making. Over 240 case studies are drawn from a variety

of health care settings, including 15-25 NEW cases that focus on the

new nurse or first-level manager.



A mini-crosswalk designates the IOM recommendations, BSN

essentials, NLN competencies, QSEN competencies, and NCLEX


client needs categories addressed in each chapter.


Additional displays and tables appear in each chapter.


New learning exercises have been added, including 15 to 25

new more realistic case studies specific to the new nurse or first-

level nurse manager.


A stronger focus on leadership ensures that both

leadership and management concepts are fully addressed in each



Evidence-based decision making as a core of leadership

and management decision making is addressed throughout the



Revised content has been added on patient safety

and quality, health care financing (ObamaCare), the impact

of technology on health care today, additional content on

nurse residencies, nurse externships, and nursing workforce

data, increased focus on interprofessional collaboration

and communication, and the impact of the 2010 IOM

Recommendations for the Future of Nursing.

• Prepare your students to take on leaderships roles with Examining

the Evidence sections in each chapter that depict new research

findings, evidence-based practice, and best practices in leadership

and management.

• Foster your students’ readers’ critical-thinking skills and promote

interactive discussions with more than 250 Learning Exercises

that ask them to act as nurse-managers: assessing, deciding, and


• Visually reinforce key ideas with Break Out Comments in every


• Reinforce student learning with tables, displays, and illustrations

that clarify complex information.

Table of Contents

Ch. 1: Decision-Making, Problem Solving,

Critical Thinking, and Clinical Reasoning:

Requisites for Successful Leadership and


Ch. 2: Classical Views of Leadership and


Ch. 3: Twenty-First Century Thinking About

Leadership and Management

Ch. 4: Ethical Issues

Ch. 5: Legal and Legislative Issues

Ch. 6: Patient, Subordinate, and Professional


Ch. 7: Strategic and Operational Planning

Ch. 8: Planned Change

Ch. 9: Time Management

Ch. 10: Fiscal Planning

Ch. 11: Career Development: From New

Graduate to Retirement

Ch. 12: Organizational Structure

Ch. 13: Organizational, Political, and

Personal Power

Ch. 14: Organizing Patient Care

Ch. 15: Employee Recruitment, Selection,

Placement, and Indoctrination

Ch. 16: Socializing and Educating Staff for

Team Building in a Learning Organization

Ch. 17: Staffing Needs and Scheduling


Ch. 18: Creating a Motivating Climate

Ch. 19: Organizational, Interpersonal, and

Group Communication

Ch. 20: Delegation

Ch. 21: Effective Conflict Resolution and


Ch. 22: Collective Bargaining, Unionization,

and Employment Laws

Ch. 23: Quality Control

Ch. 24: Performance Appraisal

Ch. 25: Problem Employees: Rule Breakers,

Marginal Employees, and the Chemically or

Psychologically Impaired