Table of Contents
Section I:
Introduction to
Ch. 1: Microbiology —The Science
Ch. 2: Observing the Microbial World
Section II:
Introduction to Microbes
and Cellular Biology
Ch. 3: Cell Structure and Taxonomy
Ch. 4: Microbial Diversity
Ch. 5: Microbial Diversity
Section III:
Chemical and Genetic
Aspects of Microorganisms
Ch. 6: The Biochemical Basis of Life
Ch. 7: Microbial Physiology and Genetics
Section IV:
Controlling the Growth
of Microbes
Ch. 8: Controlling Microbial Growth In
Ch. 9: Inhibiting the Growth of Pathogens In
Vivo Using Antimicrobial Agents
Environmental and Applied
Microbiology within
Healthcare Facilities
Pathogenesis and Host
Defense Mechanisms
Major Infectious
Diseases of Humans
…Abridged to fit
Burton’s Microbiology for the Health Sciences, Tenth Edition,
International Edition
Paul Engelkirk
978-1-4511-8634-5 • September 2014 • Softbound • 8.375” x 10.875” • 496 pp. • 285 illus.
978-1-4511-8632-1 • North American Edition: Available in US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands only
Written in a straightforward and engaging style, this premier textbook
provides students with the foundation in microbiology that they
need to perform their day-to-day duties in a safe and knowledgeable
manner. Coverage includes the core themes and concepts outlined for
an introductory course by the American Society for Microbiology.
Developed for current and future healthcare professionals, the text
offers vital coverage of antibiotics and other antimicrobial agents,
epidemiology and public health, hospital-acquired infections, infection
control, and the ways in which microorganisms cause disease. This
comprehensive new edition explores the major viral, bacterial, fungal,
and parasitic human diseases, including patient care, and how the
body protects itself from pathogens and infectious disease
NEW! Chapter-ending allied health case studies
covering viral,
bacterial, fungal, and parasitic infections in humans provide real-life
context for the concepts and topics recommended by the American
Society for Microbiology.
NEW! Online animations
covering topics like Binary Fission,
Phagocytosis, Selecting for Drug-Resistant Organisms help students
understand complex concepts and procedures
NEW! An online chapter-by-chapter Student Quiz Bank
containing over 500 multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, and matching
questions, gives students unlimited opportunities for practice and
NEW! Improved
prepare students for
effective decision making on the job.
A dramatically updated design and art program
features an
increased number of illustrations and more user-friendly and
realistic art to help students visualize concepts.
Expanded information on important bacterial pathogens
prepares students for future careers in health care.
Up-to-date coverage of bacterial, viral, fungal, and parasitic
gives students the knowledge they will need to perform
day-to-day health care duties in a safe and competent manner.
Chapters are organized to meet the needs of allied health
students and provide focused coverage of parasitology,
immunology, and other infections.
Unique Healthcare Epidemiology sections
give students practical
information on infections: what they are, how they are transmitted,
and how they can be avoided.