God's Plan For Man Final - page 111

All too frequently, the battle rages within man’s weakness: the intellect.
Although the intellect is a magnificent gift, it is also our imperfection and
downfall. Evil derives its power in the realms of the human mind where
the greatest battle rages. The person is deceived and in turn misjudges;
most times unaware of the force that motivates. We typically think of
ourselves as an independent spiritual force, and then blame ourselves for
our wrong doings. Even though we are accountable for wrongful actions,
we do not motivate them. Until we recognize the forces that motivate us,
we are just as apt to be an instrument of Satan as we are of God.
Obedience to the will of God is essential, for disobedience is the origin of
sin [misunderstanding]. When we conform to Divine Law the moral order
is predominant within our mind, and we are subject to the truth.
Individuality is not threatened, spiritual is not demanded; it is given
willingly and voluntarily as a unified spiritual effort. Moral order is then
reestablished. Individuality is essential to this order, as is unity, because
obedience [individual and collective] is required for peace and order.
However, the ultimate question is obedience to whom—God or man?
Evil judges harshly and never opts for mercy or reconciliation with God.
However, mercy is love in action; forgiveness recognizes our imperfection
or weakness, knowing the cause and the effect. The negative force
motivates a proud mind using it to reject the notion or the possibility that
evil exists
especially within. Evil does not want to be understood or
recognized, for then it may be defeated, and the truth becomes more
obvious. So, obedience, conformity, and spiritual individuality are essential
to the will of God, but each person must individually align to His plan.
Deliverance from evil is the ultimate effect of the Father’s will, and “how?”
is only a question to be answered. There is no price for deliverance
it is
free! Evil, however, suggests that the price is high because it does not want
deliverance to be an option. Deliverance cannot be acquired at any price,
for any price suggested will be rejected. Only conversion of the heart—a
spiritual renewal—is acceptable, because the new comes as the old departs,
as each person’s heart is set free. The only price of salvation [acquisition of
eternity] is by a correct choice once the truth is made known. However,
until the body is separated from the soul, destined for eternity, the only
correct choice is to live in the truth; defeating the lie to remain on earth,
for our greatest value to God is on earth.
“Our Fa t he r i n heav en ,
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