God's Plan For Man Final - page 109

‘Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame.’ For there is no
difference between Jew and Gentile—the same LORD is LORD of all and
richly blesses all who call on him, for,
‘Ev e r y one who c a l l s on t he name o f
t he Lo rd wi l l be sav ed . ’
How, then, can they call on the one they have not
believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not
heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?”
(Romans 10:3-10)
Once again we should be aware that we are capable of understanding God’s
intentions without subscribing to human law or man-made traditions. By
subscribing to human laws instead of Divine Law, we are held bound by the
limits of knowledge. The Holy Spirit is a reality, not simply an intellectual
understanding. Once the Spirit is experienced, one cannot conform to
human laws; Divine law surpasses them. You will know the Father and the
Son as the Holy Spirit divinely inspires to set you free. Continue to delve
deeper into the truth, for we are bound by a moral obligation to seek the
Finding and experiencing the truth, we/you are willingly bound by the self-
discipline of love, adhering to what is morally right, but not to gain worldly
attention or acceptance! Unless you are psychologically free and immune
from external coercion you/we are bound to a belief system or a lower
order. Therefore, the right to spiritual freedom has its foundation in the
overriding spiritual nature within each individual, affected by an interior
attitude of desire. Free choice, therefore, is the most essential element
within our human nature. It is also essential that the exercise of this right
not be interfered with. Instead, it should lead us to the source, even as the
just requirements of faithful participation of public laws are observed. Do
not be afraid to rise above the law or those intellectual restrictions and test
everything, even the deep things of God—you won’t be disappointed.
The Divine Will works in perfect harmony as wisdom evidences completion
and fulfillment of God’s Plan For Man and a willful participation. To the
unconverted intellect, this seems like foolishness, for it resists
comprehension. The natural law fulfills the Divine law, and all will be
accomplished exactly as revealed. By humbly acknowledging the source as
right, we honor God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
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