God's Plan For Man Final - page 112

hallowed be your name [Jesus], your kingdom come, your will be done on
earth as it is in heaven.”
(Matthew 6: 9-10)
There is a difference between perfection and imperfection while “time”
continues to exist, and perfection does matter in the physical sense. Most
would say that this is impossible to be physically perfect, and a proud
statement. However, perfection may be achieved in these wretched bodies
as the Spirit of God within renews the minds. Therefore, peace is a state in
which God exists, and peace matters greatly—for within a heart resides a
soul created by God, and a physical person is saved by the Blood of the
Lamb who desires only a peaceful existence. Peace is the narrow path upon
which all should walk and it guides us to the truth. Outside of peace we
should be aware of another force that is affecting us, and then repent and
return to the truth. It sounds simple, and indeed it is, once we possess the
wisdom to right our own actions and to serve a loving God. Love is perfect,
so we must love as it is to be loved, because expressing love is the essence
of life. Salvation is individual and it occurs one soul at a time, as perfection
is acquired in either the physical or spiritual dimensions. God calls us to
perfection as a humble desire [not a prideful projection], but evil demands
perfection and then suggests that one is perfect!
This would appear exactly contrary to what you would think; after all, how
and why would evil demand perfection? Understand it like this: One who is
subject to harsh judgment can never attain perfection; the very force that
judges would constantly challenge the individual to venture beyond the
areas of grace that have been granted by God. Such is the life of a
perfectionist. In that arena, failure and imperfection is guaranteed.
Perfection has nothing to do with how much we are able to accomplish
perfection. It has to do with what we accomplish using the spiritual
resources that have been granted to us by God. Evil wants us to be more
imperfect and to express it, and, ultimately, become completely evil [the
opposite of perfectly good]. The more we pander to evil’s demands the
more imperfect we become, although thinking we are becoming more
perfect. Always let the harsh judgment be a tip-off, and don’t allow that
spiritual force within to constantly demand that you always be right.
While we are individually accountable for our actions, we should never
validate our misdeeds nor judge ourselves harshly. With sober judgment we
must look for the negative evil force that lurks within the darkness of our
minds. Be unafraid of this force, and have the courage to know that we are
all subject to evil in this imperfect window of time. We are given the power
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