God's Plan For Man Final - page 269

a little shepherd used a stone to slay Goliath the giant, an impossible feat
for the soldiers of Israel.
The stone is prophetic of a little shepherd God used to defeat the giant, and
it represents the stone the builders rejected. The Star of David a sign in the
heavens—not just a man made image. It proclaims a messianic message—
not a Jewish heritage per se’—a shepherd that is as strong as a lion, but
gentle as a lamb.
The son of David’s life was a prophecy, and his life is a witness revealing a
destiny for a mere man. A mere man will be known as a shepherd of the
flock, just as David was a shepherd. The giant in another time, however, is a
spiritual giant, that is unseen by most. That giant, too, will be slain with a
stone. Graced with the Holy Spirit and similar to David, the shepherd a
mere man will right what is wrong and expose the deceptiveness of Satan
within the giant. He is faithful to Jesus, who anoints and calls him forward.
The son of David, symbolically, is the stone the builders rejected, who is
anointed for God’s purpose.
He proclaims the truth as a witness to the Son of God; he gives a testimony
of the most high, proving Jesus testimony was accurate. To this end,
remember Jesus’ words directed to the elders, chief priests, and teachers of
the law: “Have you never read in the Scriptures: “
The s t one t he bu i l de r s
r e j e c t ed has be c ome t he c aps t one ; t he Lo rd has done t h i s , and i t i s
mar v e l ous i n our e y e s
?’ Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will
be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit. He
who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces, but he on whom it falls will
be crushed.”
(Matthew 21:42-44)
Ask yourself: was Jesus the stone the builders rejected? Clearly, the Jews
rejected him, but He chose the builders [Apostles] and they did not reject
Him! Jesus said that the temple would be destroyed, and 40 years later they
accomplished that very thing. He said that not one stone of the structural
temple would be left upon another; how is this applicable today—or is it?
Because it was stated it is applicable yesterday and today. Time is whimsical
to the application of truth, but it is exacting in certain ways. So, in two
different and precise times, the “structure” will come apart. Those chosen
in succession, of Peter became the builders of what religion is today.
However, while split in many different parts, “the stone” or piece of the
rock is rejected, becoming what causes men to stumble. A remnant or
worthless piece of the rock is rejected, for this is the stone that causes men
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