God's Plan For Man Final - page 271

in spirit, there is unity in one spiritual body; a Divine body and a mere
human body that comprehend the Father’s will.
One spiritual body is destined to become one as a community, or a spiritual
mystical body that glorifies the Father in the simplicity of life—individually
free and lacking none of the essentials, for life before, during and after the
purification must not be spiritually lacking. Many have tried to do this only
to fail, because they were not one and were deceived.
This spiritual body feeds, clothes, and houses itself, conforming morally to
the truth in all its ways. This body is not a “religion”, but a spiritual mystical
body, that defeats evil [individually and collectively] for the love of God.
This body loves as it is to be loved, and it is destined to be pristine and void
of evil ambitions to any degree—by a willful choice.
The appropriate star, which is most befitting to all the ancient texts, may be
seen in the sun, a radiant picturesque symbol in the heavens as a constant
reminder each and every day that the plan is fully revealed once again by the
son as a living testimony—the star of David is six pointed represented by
the Star of Bethlehem for a spiritually profound reason.
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