God's Plan For Man Final - page 272

Chapter 12
Beastly Life No Longer Possible
Bow to What?
Bow reverently, but only to God. Jesus did not bow to Satan or the evils in
this world. However He provided a witness to the deceptions of Satan!
Jesus perfectly comprehended the conditions of the world He was born
into, and benevolently sought out those who had the faith to respond and
change. His Mother Mary and Joseph knew who He was. They understood
perfectly and named Him according to what they were told; as we know
now the world gave Mary’s Son another name. At the age of thirty when
Jesus began His ministry, She and Joseph quietly submitted. He would not
accept the name, or the role the teachers of the law and people of that time
demanded. His rejected that notion, which is why they crucified Him. He
would not accept the role they wanted Him to play [He was not an actor],
and, when confronted with Satan himself, He spoke succinctly to confirm
and fulfill the scriptural texts. He revealed His Divine essence, and at the
time Satan did not comprehend the truth. But today he acts in the minds of
man as if to prevent them from comprehending the truth.
Satan continually confronted Jesus indirectly through the teachers of the
law and directly several times. At a particular time, “After fasting forty days
and forty nights, He was hungry. The tempter came to him and said, ‘If you
are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread.’ Jesus said; “It is
written: ‘Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes
from the mouth of God.’”
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