God's Plan For Man Final - page 31

certainly that has been the case ever since. They and most of humanity are
subject to human death as we know it, but God did not create man to
experience death. Salvation was God’s decree as a final victory, perfectly
decreed and applied as an eternal reward. But, an earthly victory was
essential in order for both aspects to become perfectly just.
Adam and Eve’s misunderstanding, although not condoned, is relative to
their innocence and naiveté, which was used as the method for defeat.
Never did Eve believe Satan would lie or deceive her, so she refrained from
telling Adam the snake was talking to her. Had Eve known the
consequences and repercussions of taking what evil offered, she would have
refused and remained obedient. Adam and Eve did not have to take
anything. They had already received everything. They were endowed with
wisdom, and all the necessities of life were made available. Knowledge was
withheld for a good reason.
Satan approached Eve because she was spirit according to her name, and
once Satan had deceived Eve, Adam was sure to follow. Eve or women in a
sense are more spiritual than Adam or men, meaning that women are more
intuitive to love. However, men and women are spiritually equal as one.
Adam was Eve’s protection, as such her head was covered; men are to
cover the women, and are the head so to speak. Eve should have conferred
with her husband before acting, so disobedience may never have occurred.
If she had, the snake may have lost its head.
Obedience was a test. They/we are wisely cautioned not to take or touch
the fruit from the tree of knowledge, because knowledge was not
essential—only wisdom is essential, ensuring obedience to God. Satan,
however, wants disobedience, and knowledge would be the means for
deception. Yet, justice must prevail! Once deceived, Mankind would toil and
be subject to a human death. However, mercy is justice too, therefore
salvation is perfect justice also.
Remember, Satan didn’t understand perfectly. His refusal of God’s Will is
the destiny of mere man. The fall of Satan is determined from the beginning
of time—human time that is. Perfect justice is seen in the exchange because
Lucifer was created angelic—an order above humankind. When separation
from God caused Lucifer to be hurled to earth and held bound, Satan
experienced justice and understood the effects of disobedience. He desired
humanity to be subject to perfect justice as well.
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