God's Plan For Man Final - page 28

added further proof to authenticate the past-recorded messages, and many
different translations have evolved. One theological or religious belief tries
to persuade the others, attempting to solve the dilemma between a past
tense and present tense reality, so supremacy may find a final resting place.
One religion certainly must be superior to all others, so the chosen of God
may reign supreme. So they think.
Life is a spiritual journey with historic mile markers along the way, but the
past is a prediction of today for tomorrow. Early Bible scholarship seemed
to focus on proving that the Bible was divinely inspired and written by
human authors, or to denounce them as just stories written by humans.
Invariably, the Divine element of authorship in both the Old and New
Testaments is argued, and one [either the Old or the New] is almost always
emphasized at the expense of the other.
The Essence of Every Word
The essence of a word does not deteriorate with time, but becomes
distorted and misunderstood in the use of words at different times.
Distortions extend through interpretations of the original Hebrew and
Aramaic into differences in languages. The original Aramaic, Hebrew,
Greek or Coptic versions of the scriptures have been exchanged for the
intermediary Latin, English, French, German, Spanish, etc. The result is
now clearly visible; take a very close look at the essence of the words
translated, for they result in misuse and division.
Most people trust blindly, so the theory becomes their reality of truth, even
though the reality may be based on misuse regarding the essence of the
original intent. One must consider that if the theological conclusions,
theories, and the various doctrines of the past are true, then the Divine Will
of God is already fulfilled as intended. But the Divine Will is not yet
concluded, so inaccuracy prevails in those theories or religious doctrines
until the whole truth is made known. The fullness of truth is not yet widely
understood, and it is certainly not readily available. So, the theories are
widely accepted as presented.
The Old Testament is a precursor of the New Testament, and together the
Will of God is fulfilled precisely as intended. They do not contradict one
another. The Old Testament and New Testament must come together in
one understanding, because
deliverance and salvation is the fundamental
conclusion within each. How this comes about remains in question and
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