God's Plan For Man Final - page 19

love of Jesus in all the right ways, regardless of how others think. Truth is
not threatened by absurdity, but the uncertain are threatened—this must be
taken to heart. Evil wants you to bow in submission to its acceptance and
never know why.
We are told we should not be prejudiced to any degree, and this is not quite
correct. Prejudice against evil, wherever it comfortably resides, is good.
When mankind chooses to love God, one’s self, and one another, the
attitudes of racial and other prejudice will be put to rest. Evil that is unseen
wants to be predominant, using the outside to justify what is reverse
prejudice. When prejudice prevails in the wrong sense, reject it and use the
correct circumstances, because that prejudice exhibits greed or results in
anger. Appearance is not the determining factor for justifiable prejudice;
justifiable prejudice is rebuking what is wrong on the inside.
There are few internal differences within any human body, but the externals
vary widely as do cultural attitudes. The ways we conduct our lives are
different according to our cultures. We exist in a time where those cultural
values are blended, and in a religious world where bias causes division
against one another. Humanity continues to be willing to fight and even kill
over our misunderstandings, all to gain dominance of opinion, using God as
the justification. Can these attributes ever be the will of God, or are these
attributes the center of what is motivating people when love is absent and
evil is present?
We can’t deny cultural differences, and as difficult as it may seem, we must
rise above them. The significance is on the inside, not in obvious exterior
differences. Genetics play a part in our habits and affect our behavior and
personalities, and we must right those aspects of behavior and personality
that need to be righted. However, the rule now seems to be that to
reconcile differences, we have become more tolerant of the liberal or
immoral agenda. Tolerance should not be accepted just because of genetics,
skin color and past prejudices. These are carried forward from prior
generations as justifiable reverse prejudice. When we do this out of guilt, we
are not reconciled in the presumed good.
We must be aware to overcome our sense of racial prejudice; conversely, it
is conceivable for others to take advantage by using reverse prejudice for
individual gain. Every culture or ethnic origin has ancestral pasts where bias
and prejudice caused injuries that shaped our psyches. We are then
predisposed or set up for failure. To become successful and win the race,
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