God's Plan For Man Final - page 12

sacrifice; however, the choice is ours. It is easy to mistakenly relate justice as
punishment, thinking God punishes us for our mistakes, but God does not
render punishment. Satan does.
The consequences or fruits of the tree of knowledge were an awareness of
right from wrong, good from evil. The fruit on the tree of knowledge was
an option of choice. The choice was obedience to God or Satan, choosing
one over the other. However, choice has a predetermined result, which is
now clearly understood by the conflict in the Garden of Eden.
Too many people in this world think God is cruel, and blame God for all
the wrongs or disasters. Such thinking is always wrong because it is a
pronouncement or a projection, as Satan or the devil perceives justice only
that way.
We exist in a world that is potentially heaven on earth, but in reality it’s
becoming a living hell. We live in a natural world exposed to natural and
manmade laws, under the pretense of justice. Most of the laws within
human law are a farce because, “sin is not taken into account when there is
no law.”
(Romans 5: 13)
Without the law there is no sin! Injustice within human
law is the order of this day, and within the justice system there is only a
pretense of justice. The liberal immoral majority has taken over, and uses
the weakness of the law as justification for an evil desire. That’s why most
of the time the decisions are a farce; the criminal is served, revealing the
weakness within the law. The moral conservatives quietly accept this
immorality, and, in essence, bow to the will of evil, thinking they are correct
or justified in doing so!
Consider this analogy: life is like a game. The arena is the world, and the
playing field is the mind. The players move using choice, either wisdom or
knowledge. Correct choice moves the player forward, and wrong choice
moves the player backwards. The tactics are based on the accuracy of the
choices made. The coach for the home team [God] encourages each of his
players to be wise, to see and avoid the deceptive objects, and to proceed
straight through the middle to score a goal. The opposing coach [Satan]
encourages his players to confuse their opponents, make loud noises to
discourage and distract, and use deception or the façade of smoke and
mirrors, causing opposing players to make wrong choices and move
Victory comes to the player or team that repeatedly uses wisdom for the
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