God's Plan For Man Final - page 8

Th e ima g e o f Go d !
Wh a t i s Hi s Name?
No g r e a t e r d i l emma i n t h e wo r l d t o da y !
Je s u s s a i d ; “I and Th e Fa t h e r a r e on e ”
(John 10:30)
Part I
Father (First Time)
Chapter 1
In His Image and Likeness
We are like God in human form, because He became one of us, which
implies that we are spiritual and physical in human form. Like Him, we have
a spiritual capacity that animals do not have. How we are created in God’s
image, and what our human likeness is, is certainly speculative. We are
created with a Divine intent for a Divine reason.
Having foreknowledge, God came to earth in human form during this
imperfect period of time. Miraculously, through direct spiritual intervention,
a Virgin provided particular DNA to Her Son, so as to have similar physical
qualities as any mere man might possess. Thus, we are created in His
likeness, so He would appear normal in every way.
So, the recorded story of human creation began with a man: Adam, then
Eve were created with a body, and infused with a soul—the first human
beings. Adama means
o f t he ear t h
in Ancient Hebrew, and Eve (Khav-
vaw) in Ancient Hebrew means
sp i r i t
—the mother of all human beings. All
humans emanated from one woman having dark skin. We are the offspring
procreated with a physical shell or body, and endowed with an intellect that
can observe the order of all things, even the deep things of God. With
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