God's Plan For Man Final - page 13

choices made, and is destined to overcome, regardless of how great the
knowledge or presumed strength of the players on the opposing team. The
negative, opposing force of knowledge uses tricks, but wisdom is always
aware of the truth and counters offensively to score repeatedly. Those who
choose the right side are assured of victory because they know the tactics of
the opposing force. Satan wants to play the game all day long, but the wise
players rest when the game is over and are victorious. The players who play
for God love to win playing by the rules, because they desire to honor their
coach, not Satan. Winning requires a choice, and that choice must always be
rooted in truth, so wisdom is expressed. Losing is by choice, using
deceptive reasoning of knowledge that supports only belief.
The mind is the playing field where wisdom overcomes the deceptive
forces, and choice is like the football, passed from one to another for a goal.
Choosing correctly moves the player down the field in the right direction
toward the goalpost. Evil lies all the way to the goal post. To score offers a
reward until the game of life is concluded. Victory has a great reward, and
perfect justice is the scorekeeper. Winning spares us from the wrath of the
losing coach, while the winning coach offers a great reward. Our free will is
the most precious gift because choice is the object sought in the game.
Beginning of
Time began as God pronounced Satan’s final destiny. Science sees time in
billions of years, but in this regard Satan’s time began and is limited.
Certainly, this is why many have predicted events at certain precise times,
and have fallen short because the limits of time relate to Satan’s defeat.
What others in the past considered imminent has not yet been completed or
fulfilled. However, we are very close, and the span of time has lessened. The
“ t ime s”
is drawing to a close, for the main battle and pending
victory is imminent. All of time has evolved to our benefit. Today we look
back at history and recognize that prophecy has not been completely
fulfilled. Otherwise, the end of prophecy would be a historic fact. The end
is still in sight; time is no longer open-ended.
Prophecy remains unfulfilled in its entirety, so consider how Jesus fulfilled
the Old Testament prophecies and renewed the covenant, revealing the
New Covenant; the New Testament was practically fulfilled. However,
humanity still ponders the end or fulfillment of the New Testament or New
Covenant with great expectation. Completion or fulfillment of God’s will is
forthcoming; speculation is extended repeatedly, even though the scriptures
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