God's Plan For Man Final - page 20

one must overcome weaknesses. We must be aware of the past mistakes,
and each must right the wrong. Those in the wrong always think doing what
is wrong is right, especially in relation to reverse prejudice. When the
attitude within a person does not exhibit a good prejudice against evil, the
person in the wrong always cries foul. Prejudice, therefore, is good and bad,
right or wrong, especially under a pretense or demand to gain something for
one’s selfishness. Do not be tempted to prove you are without racial bias
because proof is not possible, however, the tendency is to accept reverse
racial bias and that is always incorrect.
Typically today, the superficial justification of not being prejudiced is based
on the assertion that if you are a good person, you will do this to prove you
are good. In fact, such proof is merely a pretense. To love one another is
not a pretense because when love is genuine, it is reciprocal as a binding
force. We are encouraged to love everyone, even those who are not loveable
or who exhibit bad behavior. We are compelled to reply in a loving way and
appeal to the good within. We must not enable dysfunctional behavior, and
we must tell them plainly what is wrong. In this regard, love is not weak,
and love would say, “No, I cannot accept this, but I will assist you to right
what is wrong by accepting the love of God to change your ways.” To love
your enemy is not to accept the conflict within the enemy, but to alter or
cause a change.
The real source of prejudice in all its forms does not want to be identified
or correctly addressed, but when reverse prejudice is tolerated, it is
acclaimed by those in the world as a great work or Christian and
humanitarian excellence. To accept reverse prejudice is another imbalance
of power to gain worldly approval, as if this will right the wrongs of the past
or rectify the wrongs of the present.
To run a good and fair race is to win the race serving a Divine purpose, and
losing that race serves an evil purpose. We are created in His image and
likeness for a special purpose, and you can’t change the external until the
internal has been righted. Prejudice against Satan and the evil cohort is a
great accomplishment—the ultimate personal accomplishment.
Each person needs to know he or she has the spirit of God dwelling within,
but there is another spirit that may dwell within. We have to know why
misunderstandings are carried forward, and the sins of the father can
certainly fall to the offspring. Life is not just a mindless journey of
consequences. The physical attributes of traditional behavior are either
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