God's Plan For Man Final - page 21

correct [right, good] or incorrect [wrong, bad], therefore, they must change;
change is individual and then collective. If traditional, flawed guidelines are
having too great a mental consequence for you, you’ll remain unchanged
internally, thinking change is unnecessary; you will live in the wrongs of
past, demanding retribution. You had better ask God to make sure you’re
right. Be sober in your judgment of what is correct.
There is only one race, and we are all part of it, but we can only win when
we are on the right side. Evil now has no choice in the matter, but it wants
to take everyone who is willing to go on the wide road, the wrong way.
Salvation is the destiny of every human being, but deliverance is the
foundation for the future, and truth is the structure wherein love resides.
The race is won by acceptance of the truth, so regardless of your culture or
race, there is time to catch up and understand the wrongs of the past, and
right them within yourself, while living the message and gaining a physical
salvation here on earth and in eternity. Love has won the race, and evil is on
its way out!
Hebrew Nation — Chosen of God
The Hebrew in Judea were a group of nomadic tribes. Etymologically, the
seems to mean “those who pass from place to place” or
“nomads,” a designation applied to them by the Amorites. Hebrews may
have been the people called Habiru or Habiri in the tablets written about
1400 BC and found in 1887 at Tell el-Amarna, Egypt. In those early times,
foreigners recognized the Israelites as a Hebrew nation. In Jonah 1:9, we see
that the Israelites applied the name to themselves. Hebrews from Judah
worshipped the One God, the God of their father Abraham and Isaac, and
were later called Jews, eventually becoming an ethnic group.
Abraham was chosen to serve God’s purpose, and Hebrews and Arabs
subscribed to the same notion: one God. However, any other nationality of
that time could have participated in worshiping one God, the God of
Abraham and Isaac, but division was inevitable as Ishmael was rejected and
departed from the original tribe. However, Hagar was told that Ishmael
would be the leader of a great nation, as the Arabs are today. The blessing
regarding who would lead and follow the original line, and the spiritual
prompts of God remains a question for today. To be obedient and follow
the One and only God, and not the world, is a daunting task. However, the
truth was passed down from the Father to the son in every generation.
Therefore, it follows that those who were from the original tribe were
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