The weather is finally beginning to break and after a long, cold winter I think we are all looking
forward to Spring. The Flag and board have been busy preparing for the upcoming work
parties and everything that is involved in running this club and working to move it forward.
On Sunday, March 8
Renee and I along with fellow Flag Officers Chuck Stroh, Pat Carroll
and their wives had the honor and privilege to attend the Blessing of the Fleet at Mariners’
Church in downtown Detroit. It is a very nice service held in a beautiful old church currently
celebrating its 173
year. It was such a beautiful sunny day that we all went to lunch
afterwards and discussed plans for the upcoming year.
This year we have many projects that were approved. These need to be completed before the
club opening and we need your help. I would like to assign team leaders from the Board of
Directors to coordinate each project, with the larger projects spilt into multiple teams. We will
begin work on these projects on Saturday, April 11 and continue each Saturday right through
the general work parties on May 9 and May 16.
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