NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes
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A request was received from Windsor Yacht Club requesting to have a rendezvous at
NCYC on June 26-28. There will be approximately 15 boats.
Moved by Kim
Miedema to approve the request. Seconded by Don Reiss.
Motion Carried.
A request was also received from ABYA requesting to have their Commodore Cruise
at NCYC on September 18-20.
Moved by PC John Anderson to approve the
request. Seconded by Don Reiss.
Motion Carried.
Good of the Order:
Requests have been made by some members to resume having a list of the names and
addresses of "Snowbirds" of North Channel printed in the Beacon. Sue Reiss will make a list
and send it to Brent.
PC Hugh Vestal addressed the issue of extreme profanity at the bar at night. A discussion was
Moved by PC Hugh Vestal to post a sign stating "No Profanity" . Seconded by
Don Reiss. Two opposed.
Motion Carried.
Kim Miedema noted that Aquapalooza will be held on July 24th.
Moved by Brent Malik to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Darryl Campbell.
Motion Carried.
Meeting adjourned at 9:02
Next Meeting
Date and Time: March12, 2015 at 7:00 pm. Location: Rosie's
Respectively Submitted,
Sue Reiss
Board Recorder