The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
[APRIL, 1909
desirable to put a deputation from the Council
to the trouble of waiting upon him.
" I am, sir, your obedient servant,
" The Secretary,
" Incorporated Law Society of Ireland."
Registry of Titles.
A letter was read from the Chief Clerk of-the
Registry of Titles Office, in reference to the
bespeaking of Land Certificates, and enclosing
printed circular of particulars upon the matter.
A full copy of this letter, and of the circular
enclosed, will be found in this GAZKTTE.
The consideration of this letter and circular
was referred to the Land Act Committee.
Land Judge's Court Advertisements.
A letter was read from the Registrar of the
Land Judge's Court, with particulars of revised
scale of charges in respect of advertisements
published in the newspapers under the direction
of the Court.
A full copy of this letter will be found in this
The letter was referred to the Costs Com
Coroner's Coivrt.
A letter was read from a member, drawing
attention to the action of a Coroner who claims
the right to retire with the jury when they pro
ceed to consider their verdict in private, and
to discuss with them the evidence, before they
arrive at a verdict.
It was decided to commu
nicate with the Lord Chancellor in reference
to the action of this Coroner.
Criminal Injuries Decrees.
A letter was read from a member relative to
the form of affirmance of a decree for compen
sation for criminal injuries, and the matter was
referred to the County Courts Committee.
Index to Judgments, K.B.D.
A communication was
received from the
Chief Clerk, King's Bench Division, informing
the Council that, owing to the reduction in the
staff of the King's Bench Division early this
year, it had been decided to discontinue the
keeping of the Index to Judgments book in the
King's Bench Division, and that having dis
continued this index during the month of
February, it was found that the discontinu
ance was
a cause of inconvenience to the
profession, and accordingly the matter was
reconsidered, and the book had been kept from
the beginning of March in a more useful form
than hitherto, and would continue to be kept.
Canvassing for Business.
A letter was read from the Hon. Secretary,
Sunderland Incorporated Law Society, enclosing
circular letter issued upon behalf of an Irish
Solicitor, canvassing for business for him.
was resolved to request an explanation from
the Solicitor.
Application by a Solicitor for renewal of his
certificate was considered, and the application
was granted.
Council Meetings.
MEETINGS of the Council will be held upon
the following dates :—
April 21 st.
May sth.
Committee Meetings.
THE following Committee Meetings were held
during March :—
Bankruptcy, ist, isth, and 2jrd.
Court of Examiners, 8th.
Gazette, loth.
Court and Offices, i6th.
Parliamentary, i8th.
Mr. Timothy E. O'Connor, Solicitor, died on
the 4th March, igog, at Dublin. Mr. O'Connor,
who served his apprenticeship with Mr. Maurice
Healy, of 37 South Mall, Cork, was admitted
in Hilary Sittings, 1895. After his admission,
Mr. O'Connor joined 'the Estate Duty Office
staff, and was recently appointed Secretary and
Assistant Registrar in the Registrar-General's
office, Charlemont House, Dublin.
Mr. William B. Allingham, Solicitor, died
on the gth March, 1909, at Dublin. Mr.
Allingham, who served his apprenticeship with
Mr. Charles E. R. A. Irvine, of Enniskillen,
was admitted
in Easter Sittings, 1902, and
practised at Enniskillen.
Mr. Patrick Lavelle, Solicitor, died on the
12th March, 1909, at his residence, 13 Lower
Ormond Qua}', Dublin.
Mr. Lavelle, who
served his apprenticeship with Mr. Arthur E.