JUNE, 1908]
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
Land Act Finance.
A report from the Land Act Committee, in
reference to the report of the Departmental
Committee appointed by
the Treasury
into Land Purchase Finance, was
submitted and adopted.
The report stated
the Committee did not
express any
opinion upon the highly technical matters
of finance dealt with in the report of the
Departmental Committee, and that it would be
premature for the Council to take any action
relative to the report, until the intentions of
the Government as to how the subject is to be
dealt with are known.
Registry of Titles Office.
A report was received from the deputation
the Council, which
consisted of
President, Mr. Denning (Vice-President), Sir
George Roche,
and Mr. Buggy, who had
interviewed the Registrar of Titles upon the
iith inst.,
in reference
to suggestions
connection with the working of the Registra–
tion of Title office. The deputation reported
that the Registrar and Assistant Registrar had:
fully discussed the present difficulties existing
in reference to registration of title, and had
informed the deputation of what steps were
being taken in order to remedy such difficulties ;
and it was arranged that the Council should
send to the Registrar a written statement of
Resident Magistracy.
A report from the Court and Offices Com–
mittee upon
the statement
issued by
Council of the Irish Bar with respect to
the qualifications and appointment of Irish
Resident Magistrates was submitted, and the
resolution was
adopted by
Council, and copy of same directed to be sent
to the Chief Secretary and Hon. Secretary of
the Bar Council.
" RESOLVED The Council of the Incorpora–
ted Law Society of Ireland, having considered
the statement of the Council of the Irish Bar
with respect to the qualifications and appoint–
ment of Irish Resident Magistrates, expresses
its approval of the suggestion contained in the
statement, that for the future no Resident
Magistrate should be appointed who has not
been for five years, and is not at the date
of his appointment, a working barrister or
solicitor in actual practice.
"The Council would urge upon the Irish
Government the desirability of giving effect
this suggestion."
The Council adjourned.
Council Meetings.
MEETINGS of the Council will be held upon
the following dates :
June 3rd and
July ist, isth, and zgth.
Committee Meetings.
THE following Committee Meetings were held
during May :
Gazette, izth.
Land Act, 6th and i ith.
Costs, ist and i ith.
Court and Offices, 8th.
Parliamentary Committee, i4th.
New Members.
THE following have joined the Society during
Fitzsimmons, Richard, Dublin.
Franck, Herbert W., Dublin.
Geoghegan, James C., Cootehill.
Greene, Florence A., Dublin.
Guinness, R. Noel, Dublin.
Meredith, Richard C., Castleisland.
Legal Appointments.
MR. Reginald A. W. Andrews, of 20 St. Andrew
Street, Dublin, has been appointed Solicitor to
the Dublin Port and Docks Board, in place of
Mr. Edward FitzGerald, resigned.
Mr. James Toner, Solicitor, of Strabane, has
been appointed to the united office of Clerk of
the Crown and Peace for the County of Tyrone.
Mr. Ralph Nash, Solicitor, of Limerick, has
been appointed to the office of Registrar to
the County Court Judge of Limerick.
Commissioners to administer Oaths.
The following question and reply appear in
the Parliamentary papers of the z8th May :
Mr. Jeremiah MacVeagh. To ask
Mr. Attorney-General for Ireland, whether he
can state what qualifications are necessary for