The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
[JUNE, Vg'bl
persons seeking to be appointed commissioners
for taking affidavits for use in the High Court
of Justice in Ireland; whether his attention
has been called to the fact that in some cases
Dublin agents of country solicitors take affi–
davits in business connected with their agencies,
that solicitors who are commissioners take
affidavits in business transacted in their offices,
and that la'-v clerks who act as commissioners
take affidavits in cases pending in the offices of
their employers ; and whether he will cause
instructions to be issued on these 'matters..:..,;,
Mr. Cherry. I have referred this
Question to the Lord Chancellor, who informs
me that no qualification is prescribed by statute
for the appointment of commissioner for taking
affidavits in Ireland, except in the case of the
Dublin Commissioners, who must be solicitors,
and who are required by the Lord Chancellor
to have been in practice for a period of at least
three years prior to their appointment. The
rules of the Supreme Court provide that no
affidavit shall be sufficient if sworn-before the
solicitor for the part}' on whose behalf the
affidavit is to be used, or before the partner,
agent, correspondent, or clerk'of such solicitor.
No case of a violation of this rule by a com–
missioner has come under the notice of the
Lord Chancellor.
It would be open to the
party against whom such an affidavit might be
used to object to its sufficiency, or the breach
of duty by the commissioner could be brought
under the notice of the Lord Chancellor.
Reported Cases on Costs.
THIS book, published by the Society some years
ago, contains a collection of
reprints of
the Reports of cases relating to costs decided
in Ireland from 1867 to 1891 ; and also of such
of the English cases on the Solicitors' Re–
muneration Act up to 1891 as are applicable to
the law in Ireland.
It consists 0^735 pages.
The remaining copies will be sold at the re–
duced price of
extra, and can
be obtained from the Secretary of the Society,
Four Courts.
Obituary. ;j
MR. Robert 0. Longfield, Solicitor, died on
15th May, 1908,
in Dublin. Mr. Longfield
served his apprenticeship with Mr. Richard O.
Armstrong, 47 Upper Sackville Street, Dublin ;
was admitted in Trinity Sittings, 1865, and
practised at 25 Clare Street, Dublin, and
Dungannon, in partnership with Mr. Owen A^
Armstrong, under the style of Longfiel
and Armstrong.
Mr. Longfield was a member of the
of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland
from 1874 to 1889, and again from 1898 to
1900, and filled the office of Vice-President of
the Society in 1899.
''Mr; Felix J. M'Keown, Solicitor," 'died1
Toomebridge, Co. Antrim, on zoth May, 1908.
Mr. M'Keown served his apprenticeship with'
Mr. John Malone, Cookstown, was admitted
in Michaelmas Sittings, 1896, and practised
at Belfast.
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" MiVjose'fjh Wfight, j.'p., D.L!, Solicitor,"died
at his residence, Kilnaloy, Monaghan, on the
2jrd May, 1908.
Mr. Wright served his apprenticeship with,
the late Mr. John Hall, Hardwicke Street,.
Dublin ; was admitted in Trinity Sittings, 1857,
and practised at Monaghan. Mr. Wright was
formerly Solicitor to the Grand Jury, County
Monaghan, and subsequently to the Monaghan
County CounciL .,;',,......'...
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Mr. William R. Rogers, Solicitor, died at'
his residence, Francis Street, Dundalk, on the
28th May, 1908.
Mr. Rogers served his.
apprenticeship with his father, the late Mr.
William R. Rogers (senior) ; was admitted in
Michaelmas Sittings, 185-5,. an(i, practised at
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Solicitors seeking Call to the Bar.:u:;joO
The Statutory Committee having reported
the applications of Mr. Edmund A.
Swaine, Solicitor, and Mr. William Joseph
Gleeson, Solicitor, to have their names struck
off the Roll in order to enter as law students
of the King's Inns, with a view to seeking
call to the Bar, the Lord Chancellor has made
orders in compliance with the recommenda–
tions contained in the reports of the Com–
mittee, directing the names of both solicitors,
to be struck off the Roll at their own request."
Mr. Swaine was admitted in Michaelmas
Sittings, 1902, and practised at 16 Molesworth
Street, Dublin.
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Mr. Gleeson was."' admitted .in' Mic'h'aeliriaV
Sittings, 1901, and practised at 68 Dame'iSfr.^?,"'
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