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The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.

[Jui.v, 1908

Bar Council, and Civil Bill Courts (Dublin) Bill.

The following letter from the Hon. Secretary-

of the Bar Council was submitted :—



\Wi May,




Secretary, Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.

"DEAR SIR,—I beg to acknowledge receipt of j'our

letter of i6tli inst., containing a copy of the resolution

of your Society, passed on I3th inst., in reference to the

question of Resident Magistrates in Ireland.

" In further reply to your letter of 2nd March, 1908,


Civil Bill Courts

(Dublin) Bill, the matter was

discussed at the meeting of the Bar Council, held on

l6th inst., and I am directed to say that the Bar

Council cannot pass a resolution in favour of the Bill as

it at present stands. The whole subject of the amend

ment of County Court procedure generally has been

referred to a sub-committee to prepare a report.

" Yours faithfully,


Hon. Sec., Bar Council.


Two applications by solicitors for liberty to

take out their certificates were submitted, and

orders were made granting the applications.

Railway and Canal Traffic Acts.

The following resolution was adopted, and

copies were directed to be sent to the Registrar

of the Railway and Canal Commission, to the

Attorney-General for Ireland, to the Chamber

of Commerce, and to the Secretary of the Bar


" RESOLVED—The Council of the Incorporated Law

Society of Ireland respectfully request the Railway and

Canal Commissioners to make such alterations in the

General Rules under the Railway and Canal Traffic Act,

1888, as will secure that proceedings under the Act

against a Government or public Department in reference

to any matter affecting purely Irish interests will be

heard in Ireland."

Labourers Act.

The Special Committee in charge of the

matter of the

taxation of costs under the

Labourers Act submitted for the approval of

the Council a draft letter to the Local Govern

ment Board in reply, and same was approved of.

The Council adjourned.

The Council met upon Wednesday, the iyth

June, the President (Mr. G.'H. Lyster) in the

Chair, and twenty-two other members were


Commissioner for Oaths.

The Secretary reported that counsel upon

behalf of the Society had opposed the appli

cation of a

law clerk

to be appointed a

Commissioner for oaths at Cork, in accordance

with the request made by the Southern Law



the Council, and



Lord Chancellor had refused to make the


Town Tenants Act.

A letter was read from the Northern Law

Society drawing attention to the fees payable

to solicitors under the Town Tenants Act

Rules, and asking the Council to take steps

to have them altered, as the Northern Law

Society do not consider them adequate.


reply was directed to be sent, staling that the

Council do not see their way to comply witli

the request, having regard to the fact that

suggestions submitted to

the Rule-making

authority by the President of this Society last

year in reference to these Rules were accepted

by the Lord Chancellor in making the Rules ;

and the attention of the Northern Law Society

was directed to be drawn to the general power

given to the Judge by the rules to increase the

fees in any individual case.

Sheriffs' Fees.

A letter in reply was read from a Sub-sheriff

stating that he was under the impression that

he was 9ntitled to charge the fee of six shillings

and eightpence for preparation of an


demnity bond given to him by a plaintiff in a

Civil Bill decree lodged with him for execution.

A reply was directed to be sent stating that

the charge was illegal, having regard to the fact

that the sub-sheriff was not a solicitor; and the

sub-sheriff was requested to give an under

taking that he would not make such a charge

in future.

Railway and Canal Commission.

A letter in reply from the Registrar of the

Railway and Canal Commission was


acknowledging the resolution of the Council,

and stating that the matter referred to in the

resolution was under the consideration of the


Counterpart Die.

A letter was read from a member of the

profession drawing attention to the refusal

of the Inland Revenue authorities to affix a

counterpart stamp duty die to the counter

part of a lease, owing to the fact that the

lease had not been executed by the lessee,

and asking

the Council



steps to

prevent such a refusal occurring in the future.

A reply was directed to be sent, stating that

the Council approved of the action of the

Inland Revenue in refusing to affix a counter-