JULY, 1908]
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
part die where the lease was not executed by
both parties, and where accordingly at a future
date the counterpart might not be an exact
copy of the original lease.
The application of an apprentice for credit
for five lectures missed through illness, of
which a medical certificate was sent, was
Costs Committee.
A report from the Costs Committee was
submitted and adopted. The report recom
mended that a reply should be sent to a
member of the profession who had drawn
attention to the non-allowance of interest to
solicitors on out-of-pocket expenses, referring
him to section 18 of the Solicitors Act, 1870,
which is as follows :—
" Subject to any general rules or orders
hereafter to be made upon every taxation of
fees, charges, or disbursements, the
Taxing Officer may allow interest at such
rate and from such time as he thinks just
on moneys disbursed by the solicitor for his
client, and on moneys of the client in the
hands of the solicitor and
tained by him."
Parliamentary Committee.
A report from the Parliamentary Committee
was submitted and adopted; and it was re
solved to request Mr. Lardner, M.P., to move
an amendment to the Coroners (Ireland) Bill.
Land Act Finance.
The subject of Land Act finance was again
considered, and it was referred to the Land
Act Committee to consider what suggestions
(if any) should be submitted by the Council to
the Government in reference to the question.
The Council adjourned.
New Member of Council.
MR. John G. Fottrell being first upon the
supplemental list, has succeeded to the vacancy
on the Council caused by the resignation of
Mr. W. H. Dunne.
Council Meetings.
MEETINGS of the Council will be held upon
the following dates :—
July ist, isth, and zgth.
and 2 ist.
Committee Meetings.
THE following Committee Meetings were held
during June:—
Court of Examiners, ist and 24th.
Gazette, gth.
Costs, i sth.
Land Act, 25th.
Library, zgth.
Chancellor of the Exchequer.
letter has been
acknowledging the resolution passed at -the
half-yearly general meeting of the Society:—
ibth May,
" DEAR SIR,— 1 am desired by the Chancellor
of the Exchequer to acknowledge the receipt
of your letter of the i5th instant, containing
a resolution passed at a half-yearly general
meeting of members of the Incorporated Law
Society of Ireland, and to ask you to convey
to the Society his hearty thanks for its kind
" Yours faithfully,
" Solicitors' Buildings,
" Four Courts, Dublin."
Commissioners to administer Oaths.
THE Lord Chancellor has appointed the fol
lowing additional Commissioners to administer
Maurice Molony, Solicitor, Dundalk.
Charles Forges, Clerk of Petty Sessions,
Peter Lynch, Clerk of Petty Sessions, Arva.
Notary Public.
THE Lord Chancellor has made the following
appointment as Notary Public :—
George Alien, Solicitor, Belfast.