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AUG., 1908]

The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.


Labourers (Ireland) Acts.

THE following is a copy of a letter of protest

addressed by the President of the Incorporated

Law Society of Ireland, to the Secretary of

the Local Government Board of Ireland, in

reference to the Rules and Schedule of Fees

contained in the Order of the Local Govern

ment Board, dated 4th August, 1908, as

appearing in the

Dublin Gazette

of yth August,

1908 :—



August 2oth,


" SIR,—On my return from England a few

days ago, I was surprised to find that the


rules under Section




Labourers (Ireland) Act, 1906, had been issued

without notice to or consultation with me as

President of the Incorporated Law Society of

Ireland. The notice in the

Dublin Gazette


the 7th August states that this had been done ;

but I have to point out that the ' Rules' were

never submitted to me.

I have therefore to

enter my formal protest to the course" which

has been adopted, and I contend and submit

that it makes these Rules nugatory.

" Now,


to the Schedule of Fees in



the said Order, a tentative

schedule expressed in the accompanying letter

to be such and different in more than one

respect was submitted to me on the 2gth April

last. The schedule differs from that sent to

me; and I submit

that the issue of same

without notice to, or consultation with, me

renders same illegal.

In any event, on behalf

of my profession I enter my strongest protest

against the action of your Board in issuing

such a schedule of fees; it is quite insufficient

to meet the professional work that will have

to be done to carry out the terms of the Act.

I have already pointed out that the object of

the Act was to simplify the procedure, and

thus lessen the costs of carrying out same, but

not to deprive the profession of the proper

legitimate charges for any work that may be

necessary to comply with the requisitions as

to title furnished by the legal adviser of the

Rural District Councils. This work has to be

done by us

in conformity with a procedure

prescribed by the rules issued by your Board.

" I am, Sir,

"Your obedient servant,



President, Incorporated Law Society

" of Ireland.


The Secretary, Local Government Board,

"Custom House, Dublin."





IN pursuance of the powers vested in Us by

the Labourers (Ireland) Acts, 1883

to 1906,

and of all other powers enabling Us in this

behalf, We, the Local Government Board for

Ireland, after consultation with or a notice of

consultation sent to the President of the Incor

porated Law Society of Ireland, do order, and

it is hereby ordered, that the following shall be

rules and regulations under the said Acts, and


from and after the date hereof, have

effect and be observed in regard to the several

matters to which they relate—

1. This Order may be cited as " The

Labourers (Ireland) Order, 1-908," and shall


construed as one with

the Labourers

(Ireland) Order, 1906.

2. The Rules in

the Labourers (Ireland)

Order, 1906, numbered 55 and 63 are hereby

revoked, and the following Rules numbered

55 and 63 shall be respectively in lieu of and in

substitution for the said Rules hereby revoked,

and the said Order shall be read and construed

as if they were therein respectively substituted

for the said Rules hereby revoked :—

RULE 55 (i). Where costs are payable by a

Council to an owner or lessee of land in respect