AUG., 1908]
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
limited interest, or interests ; notice in writing
setting forth the particulars of the funds so
lodged, with a short statement of the nature
and character of any such trust, shall be trans
mitted to the Commissioners of Charitable
Donations and.Bequests for Ireland through
the Notice Office of the Office of Judgments,
Records, and Writs by the person or persons
making such lodgment, or his or their Solici
tors, within fourteen clays from the date of any
such lodgment as aforesaid.
18. (88<z.) The costs and
fees payable to
and Counsel
the Town
Tenants (Ireland) Act,
1906, shall be
follows :—
(1) In appeals to a Judge of Assize or a
Judge of the High Court the same fees as in
the County Court or Recorder's Court.
(2) In appeals to the Court of Appeal where
there is no appeal to the Judge of Assize or a
Judge of the High Court, the same fees as in
the County Court or Recorder's Court.
(3) In appeals
to the Court of Appeal,
where there has been an appeal to the Judge
of Assize or Judge of the High Court, the
fees as in the County Court or Re
corder's Court.
If the Judge of Assize, the Judge of the
High Court or the Court of Appeal, be of
opinion that the employment of a second
counsel is reasonable, or if the hearing of the
appeal shall be continued after the first day,
or if, having regard to the value of the pro
perty, and the difficulty and importance of
the questions involved, it shall seem just so
to do, such Judge or Court may order such
further sum as may seem right.
County Officers and Courts (Ireland)
Act, 1877.
3, 1908.
Made to regulate the mode of service of Civil Bill
Processes in Ejectment, and for recovery of rent,
in pursuance of the County Officers and Courts
(Ireland] Act,
and of the Land Law
(Ireland) Act,
i. Rules i and 2 of Order VI. of the County
Courts (Ireland) Orders, 1890, are hereby an
nulled, and in- lie« ther-eof the-following—rules
shall apply in all processes in ejectment for the
recovery of any holding within the provisions
of the Land Law (Ireland) Acts, or any of them,
and in all processes for the recovery of rent
out of any such holding.
2. When any defendant in any such Civil
Bill process in ejectment or for recovery of rent
keeps his house, residence, or place of busi
ness closed, or temporarily abandons the same,
so as to prevent the ordinary service of such
process, it shall be sufficient service to post a
copy of such process on the door or other con
spicuous portion of such house, residence, or
place of business not less than fifteen clear days
before the first day of the Sessions at which the
defendant shall be required to appear.
3. In the case of any such process as afore
said where any process-server, or in the case of
an ejectment any person duly appointed or
employed by the plaintiff to serve the Civil Bill
process, shall be prevented by forcible resist
ance, or
apprehension of
personal injury, from effecting ordinary service
of the process on any defendant, it shall be
sufficient service of such process upon such de
fendant to post a copy of the process on the
Petty Sessions or other Courthouse nearest to
the residence of such defendant, and on the
usual place for posting notices in the market
town nearest to the residence of such defend
ant, provided that such postings shall be
effected at least fifteen clear days before the
first day of the Sessions at which the defendant
shall be required to appear.
Additions to the Library.
THE following books have been added to the
Library from March to July, 1908 :—
Bartley (D. C.) : Adulteration of Food.
London, 1907.
Battersby (T. S. F.) :
The Pocket Reader.
i2mo. Dublin, 1907.
Dod's Parliamentary Companion, for 1908:
i6mo. London, 1908.
Encyclopaedia of the Laws of England: 2nd
ed. Vols. ix-xi. London,' 1908.
Folkard (H. C.): Law of Slander and Libel.
7th ed.
London, 1908.
Gale (C. J.): Law of Easements.
8th ed.
London, 1908.
Garratt (E. W. and H. G.): Law of Nuisances,
3rd ed.
8vo. London, 1908.