0f Jrtlantr,
Vol. II, No. 4.J
August, 1908.
Meetings of the Council.
THE Council met upon Wednesday,
the ist
July, the President (Mr. G. H. Lyster) in
the Chair, and twenty other members present.
Labourers (Ireland) Act.
The opinion of Senior Counsel upon, the
question of the
legality of the procedure
adopted by the Local Government Board upon
the taxation of the costs of owners' solicitors
for proving title to lands taken under the Act
was submitted, and was referred to the Com
mittee of the Council in charge of the matter
to consider what further steps should be taken.
Special Examiners.
Mr. C. H. Denroche B.A.,
I.L.B., K.U.I.,
Solicitor, was appointed Special Examiner for
the Final Examinations, 1909, and Mr. Frank
V. Gordon, K.A., Ex-Scholar, T.C.D., Solicitor,
was appointed Special Examiner for the pre
liminary Examinations, iqoq.
Sheriffs' Fees.
A letter in reply was read
from a Sub-
Sheriff who,
though not a solicitor, had
charged a plaintiff a
for drawing an
indemnity bond which he required the plain
tiff to sign prior to the execution of a decree,
the Sub-Sheriff not being a solicitor, in which
letter the Sub-Sheriff, as
required by
Council, gave an undertaking
for the
future indemnity bonds required by him would
be drawn by his Returning Officer, who is a
Certificates as Conveyancers.
A letter was read from the Under Treasurer,
King's Inns, enclosing a copy of the rules
the qualifications required for the
Order of the Benchers of King's Inns enabling
persons to take out certificates as conveyancers
under the ayth Vict. c. 8, which rules were
adopted by the Benchers upon the i2th June,
Coroners (Ireland) Bill.
A letter in reply from Mr. Lardner, M.P., was
read suggesting a modification to the amend
ment which the Council of this Society re
quested him to move in Committee upon the
Coroners (Ireland) Bill. The Council decided
to assent to the suggestion of Mr. Lardner.
Universities (Ireland) Bill.
An amendment to the Solicitors Act of which
the Chief Secretary
for Ireland had given
notice that he would move in Committee upon
the Universities Bill, was considered. The
effect of the amendment was to extend to
students and graduates of the proposed new
Colleges and Universities the same facilities
for entering the solicitor's profession as the
Solicitors Acts already give to students and
graduates of other universities mentioned in
the Solicitors Acts. Certain modifications to
the amendment of the Chief Secretary were
made by the Council, and these were directed
to be conveyed to the Chief Secretary, with a
request that he would alter his amendment in
accordance with such modifications.
Court of Examiners.
A report from the Court of Examiners upon
three applications by law clerks for liberty to
be bound under section 16 of the Solicitors
(Ireland) Act, 1898, was considered, and it was
resolved that two of these applications should
be granted, and that the 'third should be re
Land Act Finance.
A report from the Land Act Committee was
considered, and it was resolved that a letter be
addressed to the Financial Secretary of the