0aetjr 0f Jrdtantr.
Vol. II, No. 7.]
January, 1909.
Meetings of the Council.
December 2nd.
THE Council met upon Wednesday, the 2nd
December. Mr. Lyster, and subsequently Mr.
W. J. Shannon, in the Chair, and twenty-seven
other members being present.
Extra-ordinary members of Council.
A letter was read from the Northern Law
Society, submitting the names of the following
members of that Society to be extra-ordinary
members of the Council:—Mr. G. B. Wilkins,
President, Messrs. C. W. Black, Martin J.
Burke, John D. Coates, and. J. W. M'Ninch.
A letter was also read from the Southern Law
Association, submitting the names of the fol
lowing members of that Association to be extra
ordinary members of the Council:—William
Guest Lane, President; Messrs. A. Blake,
Frederick Hall, Arthur H. Julian, and Walter
The ten members nominated were declared
duly elected as ten extra-ordinary members
of the Council for the year ending the 26th
November, 1909.
Election of President and Vice-Presidents.
The Council proceeded to elect a President
and two Vice-Presidents for year ending the
26th November, 1909, with the result that Mr.
William J. Shannon was elected to the office
of President, and Mr. Charles St. G. Orpen
and Mr. John W. Richards were elected Vice-
Presidents. Mr. Shannon having taken the
chair, a cordial vote of thanks was passed to
the outgoing President and Vice-Presidents
for the manner in which they had discharged
the duties of their respective offices during
the past year.
Gazette of the Society.
It was resolved that the December number
of the Society's Gazette, containing report of
the General Meeting, should be sent to the
entire profession, and that a circular should
be sent to those who are not members of the
Society, inviting them to become members.
Transfer of Government Securities.
It was resolved that the question of the de
sirability of transfers of Government securities
being made by deed, as in the case of Public
Companies, be referred to a special Committee
of the Council to report upon.
Land Act.
A special Committee was appointed to con
sider the questions arising under the working
of Land Act of 1903, and also the provisions
of the Irish Land Bill, 1908.
The Council adjourned for one week.
December qth.
The Council met upon Wednesday, the gth
December. Mr. William J. Shannon, Presi
dent, in the Chair, and twenty-seven other
members being present.
Labourers (Ireland) Act, 1906.
A letter was read from Messrs. Roche and
Son, intimating that in the case of
The King
(Mowbray and Stourtoii]
the Local Government
notice of appeal had been given by the
Local Government Board against the order of
the King's Bench Division, granting a writ of
A letter was read from a member of the
profession drawing attention to the practice
in the Taxing Office which required that, in
the taxation of solicitor and client's costs, an