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The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.

[JAN., 1909

" Birrell's immediate consideration, and that

"he hopes to address a communication to you

" on the subject at an early date.

" Yours truly,


" W. G. WAICELY, Esq.,

" Secretary, Incorporated Law Society

of Ireland."

Irish Laud Commission.

THE following-sittings of the Court of the

Land Commission for hearing appeals have

been provisionally arranged :—

Ennis, January 26th, 1909; County Clare

(part of).

Dublin, February 4th, 1909; Leinster (part


• Sligo, February gth, 1909 ;

County Sligo

and County Leitrim (part of).

Dingle, February i6th, 1909 ; County Kerry

(part of).

Dublin, February 25th, 1909 ; Leinster (part


Belfast, March 2nd, 1909; County Antrim

and County Down.

Cork, March gth, 1909 ;

County Cork (part


Dublin, March i8th, 1909; Leinster (part


Castlerea, March 23rd, 1909; County Ros-

common (part of).

Solicitors' Benevolent Association.

A MEETING of the Directors was held on 2nd

December last at the Four Courts, Sir George

Roche, Vice-Chairman, in the chair, and eleven

other members present.

The Secretary reported having received since

previous meeting the sum of ^25 4.?., making the

total annual subscriptions received since the

beginning of the year ^519 15-?-, a donation of

p^5 £j. from Mr. M. Milward-Jones.

The Directors then proceeded to consider

the various cases for relief, and made grants

to sixteen applicants, amounting

in all




The following new members were enrolled

since previous meeting : —

James Mullen, Cookstown.

E. J. Malone, Cookstown.


James Malone, Cookstown.

H. N. Raphael, Cookstown.

A meeting of the Directors was held on gth

December last at the Four Courts, Mr. Fry in

the chair, and sixteen other members present.

The Secretary reported having received since

previous meeting the sum of ^4 4^. in annual

subscriptions, donations of ^52


from the

President of the Incorporated Law Society,

and ;£s


from Alexander C. Cameron, Esq.,

and Life Subscriptions of




Messrs. Charles St. John Orpen, and John W.

Richards, Vice-Presidents of the Incorporated

Law Society.

The Directors then proceeded to consider




and made


amounting to ^45 to three applicants.

Directions were given to hold an election

for a candidate to an annuity of ^£15 on 24th

February, 1909.

The following new members were enrolled

during the month of December :—

Henry F. Chidley, Dublin.

Gerald W. Browne, Dublin.

Edward Condell, Dublin.

Thomas Conway, Tullamore.

Robert Cussen, Newcastle West.

John P. Carrigan, Thurles.

Solicitors' Apprentices' Debating Society.

SESSION 1908-1909.


THE meetings take place at 8 p.m.

in the

Antient Concert Rooms, Great. Brunswick

Street, Dublin.

Monday, Jan. ii.—Debate—"That the Edu

cational value of the Theatre is


Thursday, Jan. 14.—Legal Debate—"That the

case of

Moulis v. Owen


i K. B.,

746, was rightly decided.."*

Monday, Jan. 18.—Impromptu Speeches.

Thursday, Jan. 21.—Debate—" That the Par

liamentary Franchise should be extended

to Women."