Clover Club
1 jigger diy gin
VI lime—^juice only
1 pony raspberry sirup
1 white of egg
1 dash Peychaud bitters.
Pour the ingredients into the shaker in order given. Drop in the
lumps of ice. Set yourself for a good shaking, for this is a cock
tail that must be well frapped To give chic to the final result,
decorate your cocktail glasses with sprigs of mint after straining
into them the delightful liquid from your shaker.
Some of the how-to-mix'em-experts use grenadine sirup
instead of the raspberry. Upon experiment it will be
found that red raspberry not only gives a prettier pink
color but imparts a flavor grenadine cannot match. As it
has the white of an egg in it, this cocktail must be well
Why was it named a c/oyer cocktail? Well, you have
us there. Possibly it's because the lucky recipient, after
tossing it off (or should this drink be tossed?) will con
cede that the finding of a four-leaf clover is not so lucky
as finding this cocktail.
We have always admired the added ummph the dash
of Peychaud bitters gives this deservedly popular concoc