Cuban Presidente
>i'. ; ; /
Vx jigger rum
54 jigger French dry vermouth
1 teaspoon grenadine sirup
1 dash curacao
Rum first in the harglass, then the vermouth, Curasao, and sirup.
Put in the ice. Stir (never shake). After straining into the
serving glass, add a piece of orange peel.
This is the drink to toast the Cuban presidente (who
ever he may be at the present moment). A heady salute
for a nation's head. It might be mentioned that some
prefer their presidente with grenadine only and without
the Curasao.
New OrBeons Presidente
1 tablespoon grenadine sirup
1 jigger rum
1 tablespoon orange juice
Shake with ice, lots of it cracked fine, and strain into a cocktail
American Presidente
1 pony rum
•• '
1 pony French dry vermouth
1 lemon—juice only
1 dash curagao
1 dash grenadine sirup
Proceed as with the Cuban presidente and drop a maraschino
cherry into the cocktail glass before straining the mixture into it.
Today several brands of rum, made from Louisiana
sugar cane molasses, are finding favor . . . even among
those who have long believed that rum, to be good, must
come from Cuba, Jamaica, or Puerto ^co.