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ESTRO 35 2016 S707


tolerance levels and mean value and standard deviation four

field box cases were +0.68%±2.43%(1SD).


It was noticed that standard deviation for both

patient groups was similar and that initial tolerance/action

levels for pelvic cases were substantial. Also, the five fields

technique with wedges showed good results due to uniform

directional response around diode axis. Within one year after

implementation, in vivo dosimetry has revealed and

prevented 6 cases of inaccurate treatment. In our

experience, systematic in vivo dosimetry proved to be a very

useful tool for quality assurance of a patient plan and

treatment, both in detecting systematic errors and for

estimating the accuracy of radiotherapy treatment delivery.


A phantom for brachytherapy treatment planning systems

verification with the ArcCHECK® device

K. Chelminski


The Maria Sklodowska-Curie Memorial Cancer Center,

Department of Medical Physics, Warsaw, Poland


, P. Sobotka


, B. Buczek


, E. Gruszczyńska


, W.




Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Physics,

Warsaw, Poland

Purpose or Objective:

Brachytherapy HDR treatments are

performed according to the plans calculated with the

computerized treatment planning systems. The source

positions and dwell times are established to produce required

dose distributions. However, in general, the treatment plans

are not verified. A phantom for such dose distribution

verification is proposed to be used with the ArcCHECK


Material and Methods:

The ArcCHECK detector array and the

SNC Patient software were designed by Sun Nuclear to verify

dose distributions in the IMRT and VMAT external beam

therapy. It is a cylindrical tissue-equivalent phantom,

containing 3D detector array, consisting of 1386 SunPoint

diodes. The detectors are located helically along the cylinder

with the external diameter of 21 cm. We believe that the

ArcCHECK phantom could also be used to verify the

brachytherapy dose calculations. For this purpose a special

additional part of PMMA, a Brachyplug, was designed and

manufactured. The Brachyplug is a special cylinder installed

inside the ArcCHECK in which it is possible to place

dosimetric films or ionization chambers. The phantom has a

number of through holes, where the HDR catheters can be

placed into which the Ir-192 stepping source may enter. A

special brachytherapy plan was created using the Ocentra

MasterPlan planning system with 4 source positions in order

to create evenly distributed dose over the detectors of the

ArcCHECK array. In order to check the amount of dose which

could be absorbed by the electronics of the ArcCHECK system

the doses at the relevant distance were measured with the

PTW dosimeter and a Farmer type 30013 ionization chamber

placed in PTW RW3 plate phantom under the Brachyplug. The

measurements were carried out with and without a shield, a

8 cm thick Wood alloy plug, designed in order to protect the

electronic control unit of the ArcCHECK from irradiation.

After that the dose distribution for the planned source

positions was measured with ArcCHECK device with 8 cm

thick Wood alloy plug and Brachyplug placed inside the

ArcCHECK cylinder.


Measurements of irradiation according to the

prepared plan indicate that when the ArcCHECK detectors

obtain the dose of 1 Gy the total dose which could reach the

ArcCHECK electronics is 12.7 cGy. Such dose is acceptable

and similar to the dose in a case of teletherapy. The

ArcCHECK allowed for detecting and displaing in the SNC

Patient software the HDR brachytherapy irradiation



The ArcCHECK device may be potentially used

for pretreatment verification of dose distributions in

brachytherapy. This would require the development of proper

energy calibration procedure for the ArcCHECK detectors and

the SNC Patient software update. The Brachyplug phantom

will be used for further research on verification of clinical

treatment plans in brachytherapy.


Evaluation of the performance of the Integral Quality

Monitor (IQM)

B. Perrin


Christie Hospital NHS Trust, CMPE, Manchester, United



, J.A. Beck


, R. Speakman


, G. Budgell


Purpose or Objective:

The IQM is an innovative wedge

shaped transmission ion chamber which is mounted below the

front face of a Linac head. It monitors the total radiation

fluence coming from the treatment head (see figure). It is

currently undergoing Beta-testing to monitor and verify the

delivery of individual treatment fields in real-time. Its

potential as a tool for Linac quality control measurements is

also being investigated.

Material and Methods:

Over an 11 month period a series of

QC and clinical prescriptions were delivered multiple times to

the IQM mounted on an Elekta VersaHD Linac, to evaluate its

sensitivity to potential clinical errors and its long-term

reliability and reproducibility.

IQM mounted on Linac, with schematic of detector design


The device proved reliable over the testing period.

It’s stability and reproducibility are shown in the table.

Measurements showed that MLC/Jaw mis-calibrations of 2mm

could be identified, as could 2% errors in MU. A change of

energy from 6MV to 10MV gave a difference in IQM signal of

6% for conformal and ‘step and shoot’ IMRT, and of 2-4% for

VMAT deliveries. Seventeen similar VMAT head and neck

plans each demonstrated a unique IQM signal vs control point

pattern, potentially allowing an incorrect plan, or ‘plan of

the day’ to be identified after only 40 degrees of the arc.

The IQM was able to identify clinically significant flatness,

symmetry and output errors on the Linac.


Beam Description

Standard Deviation

Static field

10x10cm @6MV


Static field

4x4cm @6MV


Conformal Arc 10x10cm @6MV



Step & Shoot @6MV &10MV 0.7%

Simple VMAT Prostate VMAT @10MV


Complex VMAT Head and Neck VMAT @6MV 1.1%

Variation in IQM signal over 11 months for different



Although the IQM is still under development it

can identify a number of clinically significant potential errors

in treatment delivery. It is easy to use ‘on set’ and has

proved stable and reliable. It has the potential for use as a