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HOP BEER.—Hope 6 oz., molasses

5 qts., boll the hops till the strength

is out, strain them into a 30-gallon

barrel; add the molasses and 1 teaoup-

ful of yeast, and fill up with water;

shake it well, and leave the bung out

till fermented, which will be in about

24 hours. Bung up, and it will be fit

for use in about three days.

molasses beer.—Hops 1 oz.; wa

ter 1 gallon; boil for 10 minutes, strain,

add molasses 1 lb., and when luke

warm, yeast, 1 spoonful. Ferment.

CHEAP BEER.—^Water, 15 gallons;

boil half the water with % lb. hops;

then add to the other half in the tub,

and well mix with 1 gallon molasses

and a little yeast.


hops % lb., powdered chalk 2 lbs.; put

in the hole of the cask, and bung close

for a few days; for frosted beer, add

some finings, a few handfuls of flour,

and some scalded hops; for ropy beer,

use a handful or two of flour, and some

of hops, with a little powdered alum

to each barrel. Rummage_ well.


beer.—Bruise ginger 1 oz.;


cloves % oz.; a few scalded hops and

a dozen broken, coarse biscuits to

every 2 barrels. Rummage well.


To 2 gallons water allow 3 lemons,

2 lbs. loaf sugar, and 1 lb. raisins.

Wipe the lemons and peel oft the

yellow rind very thinly. Put it into a

wooden or earthenware vessel, and add

the strained juice of the lemons, the

sugar, and the


stoned and chop

ped. Boil the water, let It cool, and

pour it over the other ingredients.

Cover, leave standing for 5 days, and

stir frequently.

Then strain off the

liquid through a jelly-bag, and bottle


Tie down the corks or use screw


In 10 days or a fortnight the

nectar will be ready to drink.


To 1% gallons water allow 15 lem

ons, 6 lbs, cane sugar, a little yeast,

and 1 gill or more of brandy.

Use fresh juicy lemons, and wash

or wipe them carefully. Peel the rind

off half of them very thinly and put

It into a wooden tub or earthenware

crock. Put the water and .sugar into

a. preserving pan, dissolve slowly over

the fire, and then boil for % hour

skimming if required. Pour this boil

ing hot over the lemon rinds, cover

and leave to cool. Then add the strain

ed juice of all the lemons, and a piece

of toast spread with a little yeast.

Cover again, and leave for 2 dajfs un

til fermentation has commenced. Now

strain the liquid into a cask, reserving

about 2 qts. for filling up. Cover t^

bunghole lightly and keep filling up

until fermentation has ceased.


the brandy at the last, and see that

the cask is quite full.

Then close

tightly, and leave for 4 mouths or long

er before bottling.


To 40 gallons prepared cider, add %

lb. tartaric acid; 4 gallons spirits, 3

lbs. loaf sugar. Let it stand 10 days;

draw it off carefully; fine it down, and

again rack it into another cask.


TO MAKE 12 GALLONS.—One bushel

pale malt, % lb. hops, 2 lbs. moist sug

ar, 16 gallons water, and % pt. fresh


Put the water into a large copper,

and bring it to the boil. Lift out about

two-thirds of this water and put it

into a mash-tub with a bunghole, plac

ing the huckmuck or strainer inside

the tub at the bunghole. Let this stand

about 20 minutes, then stir in the malt

carefully, so that there are no lumps.

Cover and let it stand for 2 hours.

Drain off the liquid into another tub,

add the remainder of the boiling water

to the malt, soak again, then draw oft,

and add to the first liquid. Put the

hops into the liquid and boil together

for 2 hours. Now put the sugar into a

tub and strain the hot liquid over it.

Leave until lukewarm and add fresh

brewers' yeast. Cover and leave until

next day, then skim off the yeast, and

pour the liquid into casks or jars. Let

R ferment for about a week, and keep

filling up the cask. Then close down,

out not too tightly.


To 1 gallon water allow 2 lbs. white

cane sugar, 1 peck marigold flowers, 2

lemons, 1 pt. white wine, and a little

yeast spread on toast.

Boil the sugar and water together

for 1 hour, then pour the liquid into a

vessel, and when lukewarm put in the

toast with yeast. Cover and leave to

work for 2 days, and during this time

add the marigold flowers slightly

crushed. Then add the lemons cut in

thin slices and the white wine. Cover

again and leave for 2 days longer. Then

turn into a cask and bung it up when

fermentation is over.


To 3 qts. water allow 1 lb. or more

of honey, 1 white of egg, and a little

Beat the whites of eggrs slightly and

mix them in a large saucepan with the

water and honey. Whisk over the fire

or stir frequently until boiling. Sim

mer slowly for 1 hour, then leave to

cool until lukewarm and strain into a

cask. Btir in the jfeast, and cover the