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from 15 to 20 minutes. Then strain

through a jelly-bag, and squeeze the

pulp as dry as possible. Pour the liquid

over the sugar, add the thinly peeled

rind and strained juice of the lemons,

and stir until nearly cold. Then add

the yeast spread on toast, cover close

ly, and leave for 24 hours. Now re

move the toast and lemon rind and

pour the liquid into a cask. Leave

open until fermentation ceases, and

then close up, and keep as long as pos

sible before bottling. This wine im

proves with keeping.


To each lb. of raisins allow 1 quart

•water, and to each gallon of liquor al

low 10 oz. sugar, the rind and juice

of 1 large orange, and 1 or 2 gills of


Chop the raisins and add to them the

water which has been boiled and al

lowed to cool.

Mi& well, cover over

and leave standing for 1 month, stir-

Ing frequently. Then .strain the liquor

from the raisins, put it into a vessel,

and stop it up tightly. In 4 weeks'

time strain again until quite clear of

sediment, and measure the liquor. Add

to this the sugar, the strained orange

juice, and the thinly peeled rind of the

orange soaked in the brandy. Be care

ful to measure all the ingredients in

the right proportion. Mix all together

in a cask, keep it at an even tempera

ture, and bottle in 3 months' time.


To each gallon of soft water allow

from G to 8 lb.s. raisins.

Stalk and halve the raisins, put them

into a crock or tub, and pour the water

(either cold or tepid) over them. Leave

to stand for a month, stirring them

thoroughly every day.

Then strain

through a sieve or cloth, pressing the

fruit, and put the liquid into a cask,

reserving some for filling up. Do not

close the bung for 10 days or so until

the fermentation has quite ended. Al

low the wine to stand for 10 or 12

months, then draw it off into a clean

cask, filtering the liquid near the bot

tom. Add the thinly peeled rind of 2

lemons, and some brandy if desired

Leave for another year at least before


Note: To help to clear the wine a

bag containing a little isinglass may

be suspended from the bung, when

closing up the wine for the second



To 1 gallon water allow 6 lbs. rais

ins, 1 qt. elderberry juice, and a slice

of toast spread with yeast.

Shred or chop the raisins, put them/

into a vessel, and pour the water boil

ing hot over them- Cover and leave to

stand for 9 or 10 days, stirring at leaet

twice a day.

Gather the elderberries fully rine.

pick thera_ free from stalks, and

tract the juice by putting them into a

jar and standing this in a moderate

oven or in a saucepan of boiling water


through a hair sieve or coarse cloth

and add the juice to the raisins In the

above proportion. Put in also a slice

a little yeast on

both Bides. Cover and leave to fer

ment for a day or two. Then run it

into _a cask, and fill up with some of



tightly when it has ceased workir-g

and leave for a year before bottling.


To each quart of raspherrv inico ni

low 1 lb, of the finest canfLgar, and

white wine as below.

The raspberries should be gathered

fully ripe and quite dry: if the sun is

hot upon them so much ihe better- the

wine will have a finer flavor

Squash the fruit well with the back

5 ^

wooden spoon, and then

strain it through a jelly-bag. Measure

the juice, pour it into a stone jai-rand

add sugar in the above proportion. Stir


and leave

Clear liquid, measure again, and to

white wine.

Bottle at once, and the wine will br

i" week's time,

oWay.—Bruise the raspberries

as above, measure th m Into an earth

enware vessel, and pour over an equal

measure of cold water. Mix well to-

gether. cover, and leave for 24 hours.

Next day strain all through a jelly-

bag or fine hair sieve, and leave to drip

without squeezing. Measure the liquid

thus obtained, and to each quart add

1 lb. sugar. Stir occasionally until dis-

joitied, then pour into a cask. Cover

the bung lightly until fermentation

ceases, then close up, and keep for 3

months before bottling.


To I gallon prepared rhubarb allow

1 gallon boiling water, 8 to 4 lbs. sug

ar, 1 lemon, and % oz. isinglass.

Victoria rhubarb Is the best to use

Wipe it with a damp cloth and cut it

in pieces without peeling. Then meas

ure It, and put it into a large vessel

or tub and pour the boiling water over.



To 1 gallon water allow 2 or 3 sprigs

of rue, a handful of fennel root and

3 lbs. honey.


Boil the water, rue and fennel roots

for % hour, then strain and add the

honey. Boil the mixture again for 2

hours, Bkjmming when necessary. Than

lot It cool, and pour it into a cash tbdt