Perpetual Rose Bushes
Tha Wonder of Ihe World
Tho Perpctuiil Roso Bush ecwls produce ono of Uie most amazinc
Tarietics of the rote over developed. The plant may be sown cither
indoors or ouUloore and blooms the first year it is planted, and
when three years old, the bush is a mass of rowa. The flowers are
In three- shades—white, pink and cnijison. WE GVARANTEiE IT
ROSES. Blooms rcffularly.
Directions for planting arc sent with each package of Seeds.
Fresh stock of seeds ot all times. Thousands of packets of these
*ceds aro sold anntmlly to'people in all parts of the world.
flp. 6140. PERPETUAL ROSE BUSH SEEDS. For Packet...,........**'*'
3 Packets for 25 Ccnta. or 75 Ccnta Per Doicn Packets, Postpaid
The Firefly Plant
A Vine that
Blooms at Night
Ono of tne most ronld
grrowine vines )<no\m. Un.
ucr fAVorable condlllorxs this
vine has boon known to
A SINGLE WttXK. In a \"ory
short space of time Inilcca
the vine has climbed to o
(Treat hoiirht. nnd Is cowrcd
It Is. Indeed, a fm:at nowicv. for
johincoother plants, the flowers Ol'EN IN
THE EVENlNoT'ond'remaJn"opcn"untll about
foflowljiff O'-y lf» dull weather
Boon thi
f*hcy •will -remain open all day. As —
?}y.®"L.®Pon thev irivo forth the most PE-
Fragrant Tree Fern
-- rich dark Brccn. Forms errand'
ipymmldal busbcs about 6 feet
tilirh. Rranehcs very desirable for.
oecomilvc purposes, wreaths, etc.
Mo. 9061. Seeds Per Packet....
3 for aSC postpaid
WbT'SO'esT F7rony*"plant Seeds.
3 Paekcta for eoic Pottpaid
Sensitive Plont
Marvel of tl>e rhlllDpincs.
Leaves <mrl.
fronds droop
when touched. Apparently re
sents Interference.
A hand.
some shrub for house or enr»
rien; vorv curious.
< Cj«
No. S144. Seeds. Pkt. .A3C
3 for 40c poatpaid
Musk Plant
^ A unJversallv odrnfrcrt
.nvorlto for house, flower,
carden or creenhouse. A
very fine house plant.
Lives for years. Js of the
sweet scented variety.
Elvirtr fortli much fra-
franee. Also valuable on account of tho \
umc th.-*t can be made from It.
Nest Egg Gourd
Very curious.
duces fniit same slie.
ahapo ond color of nost
eercs. Matured f-ult does
not crack, will serve
for voara aa a nest outr.
stocKlnir damer, onia-
mental purposes. TC/i
8091. Pkt. . .*31,
Mammoth Peanuts
Peanut* can be easily caiT,
•tlvated. Their culture is veiv
.almple and exceedingly in't-r.
Mammoth Pcarmj
:CTOw to an aatonishlnc
•It la a eood producer, vrrv
iproilflc. and "the oiant <u.*.o
hevo a thick, heavily rlnt c t
•protectlnir shell. The plan
very otiractlvo.
the ler-.-r.
Dcintr of odd Shane and
• bandaomo ercon shade, i ni-
eo throujTh the center wlti, white. You
much pleasure cuU:-.'btine this Intpr-
csttnn; species.
>232. Peanut Seeds. I \t
e tl i
3 foe 46c por.l
Kudxu Vine
Crows 23 Foct In a Wt«k
^ Most rapid irrowln» vine
known. Will grow to a very
frreathelcht. Luxuriant foliare
Lo%elv purp'e flowcr.s.
frnirmnt. Nothlne to enual It
for shade purposes and nulck
Seede. Pkt
Ground Almonds
Amazingly Prolific
Easfly Grown From Seed
The Ground Almond has
n flavor Uiat is MOST
the cocoanut. Tito • meat
is enow white, covered
with a shell or skin of
brown color.
It crows
close to the surface and
anvthlntr from 200 to 300
Almooda may be expected
from a sincle nut. There
la no troub'e whatever in
crowing anywhere and in all kinds of sol,
Muy bo Planted nnv time, and in elcht
Famous Mexican
Firefly Plant
sembilng a closely cllpncd
ornamental evergreen.
— globe shaped or pyramidal
bushes are close and compact, and of a
pleaning light green color. May be grown
aingly.orIn the form of a hodffc or back-
ground. In early autumn the whole bush
becomes csrmlne or blood red. hence the
name of Mexican Fire Plant, or ••Dumlne
Bush"__ns It^Is noniptlrnes
Ferns From Seed
Grown Easily
Torn* can be grown from
seed. Try vour luck growing
these bc.autlfui plants for In-
deora or outdoors.
mixed varieties. Full direc
tions on? sent with each
package of seeds.
NO. 5000. Fern Seed. . .
Chinese Cabbage
NovelCv from China and shotild
t>e growr> In every garden. Seems
to be n cros.s between celery and
cos lettuce Flavor Is mo-x» mild
than any other cabbage.
Can be
served on the table and eaten
r.TWor cooked like cahtxigo. spliv
nch fir ictiuco or made Into salad.
- very rapidly, cosy to cultivate. You
create oullc a scpsalion by cultivating
this rrunarkablo novellv.
No. S181. Chinese Cabbaqe S«eda. Pkt
3 for 2Se Postoaid
The best plant for hnn?.
Ing bnslieti. Misses of rich
glcatniiig foliage droop In
a very graccfut rnannor.
Tho foll.nco when cut for
decorative purposes will .
— -• —
last for weeks In w.atcr.
Tho a'fcd
are very pretty retl bcrrlos addimr. to ita
. _ ^ HJli
No. K003. flsBiraqtiv Sorenoefi Seeds..^*"*
Shoo Fly Plant
A very icnuirkable Botanical
riirlosltv you should have.
Though quite odorless It
said flics will not romam In
a room where It la . grown.
Ueara very pretty ^blosaomn.
niooms Buronwr and vrtnter.
CrowK readllv from seed. _ ^
No. 9147. Shoo-Fly Plant Seed*. Pkt. .**»*•
3 for 40c Pesto.ild _
Yard Long
ITodMecR enormous crop
of long, slender, round pods
of excellent oualltv for
snap be.ins.
I'ods grow
from 2 to 3 feet In length.
Very lender and flne flavor.
The vines are rampant grow
ers; .a gi'caC ciiriosllv. e Aa
No. S2S7. Seeds.
Tree of Heaven
This splcndlil omamcnU
al tree Is a native oC
China, and Is called tho
Tree of Heaven, on
eouat of Its great beauty.
Very hardy, ihrlxw lr»
any eotl. no mattiT hovw
poor, and grows from f»
to 10 feet hlgli from sect*
the flrst summer.
— Icovcs are from 3 th 9
feet In lenirth giving It a grand appear
ance. Nothing outside the troolca earv rival
It for lawn decoraOoo. Large oanlclea ofT
bloom, followed In season by great tiuster®
of colored seed poda. make the tree a SUP'
UnDo;»s^tWn£ o£_bcauW.__
Japanese Climbing Cuc^ber
Hardy Strain
Unusually strong and
vigorous growing vine.
Attains (wine the site
of ordinary varieties.
Sirows iradllv on poles,
On??. ""*
family supplied
Per Packet.
Colobosh or Pipe Gourds
A luxuriant and raoldyrrow-
Produeea the <
tncntal gourds.from
which the f.imou»
,A t r I can calabash
guide. Grove
- .. . w Interesting
vine and maKD your
No? s'l^SC
Boeds. Pkt— *®®
3 for 40o ooitoaift
New Guinea Buffer Bean
Grows to •
Ijonfth of Three
to Six Feet
Crows to an :
tnnlfthlmc size. t...
from 3 to q feet;
long, and wcighlne^
aiuKvhere from
family for several
meols. Vcrv palat
able nnd elch In
r-itrlUfHie materials.;.- -
The delicate Uuttcnr Flavor le much abore-
dated. The VInoa are easily grown, vgrw
nroUfle. an<] a moat welcome and •vartiADlc
ntllunrt tt» your jsardcn. Try them: vQu 'will
find them the most dellcioua vwoetsbie.ycu
hav» ever tasted.
Sample package c>f seed?
with "fuir^directions for culUratin* vflPO
No. 9203. Bixtter Bean Seeds. Pkt...
Own Bush
This Dbnt Is a veritable
•cfuge or haven for huitgy
nics and It atirocta o'l.lha
•noat licnutlful tvues of nu&
It. It Is a orettVplanvhear-.
Ing perfectly double
era, ranging from white to rich
deep red anij pink, lilac and other
No. S03t. Butterny'a Owa Bush Seeda..
Bonona Musk Melbn
Quite ft curtooltVv Looka
nnd smells like a bfinan*.
PeruUar ahaue and Ita de
licious flavor make It well w.orth your
Itlvating. Flesh Is dceb and ot exrfulvLto
Cactus From Seed_
Very curious, odd 4
hMklng elrang* sne- •
clcs of plania. which '
wilt HtTiuo anvwh
with lltUo or no ci
But lUtle wale-.— ,
The |
floweni are of cx-l
miisite beauty ondl
deliaJitfuIly fnurant-fl
Exbrcaslons of won.*
dor and admiration I
eract them. Tou will I
bo aALnni.*hed fit the*
odd loots of the CacU Just sprouting. There
is ersnt Pleasure in growing them.
Na. 5023. CACTUS SKCDA. Per Pkt .*»*'
3 loe 35c. or 78c per daaen postoa'd.
Weother Plant
Nature'e Weather Prophet, n.v Mvste--
I ious cbanirea that take place, this re<
' marknble plant oceiiratelv forccnsts the
. weather many hours In odv.mce. Will
I prow anywhere all the year around.
An Interentlnc house plane Hea-^s Ir
fragrant, tmticrfly nhauo flc
167. We.Mhor_ Plant Seeds
At Night
at night, eirTng forth the most dcUciitfuI sccfited
fmcrancc for quite a dintanec. Causes much comment For
Inrnse or gardea Also Tahublo becaure of rare perfume
No. 6139. PERFUME PLANT SEEDS, Pet Packet...
~ Pockots for 40 coatt. Postnald
Perfume Plant
3 for 40e Postpaid