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Grov/ing GRASS HAIR!

Porous Pottery Head Is Covered with Grass Seed

Watch Beautiful Green Grass "Hair"

and "Eyebrows" Begin to Grow!

By far one of the most fascinating novelties we've seen

and wo've soon a lot of them I Tho pottery head is sup

plied with a bald top and is, in reality, a small vaso

with a holo in top for filling \vith wat^. Package of

grass seed is included with each head.

Head is filled

with water, seed is sprinkled in tho grooves on top of

head and along tho eyebrows—whcrover you desire the

hair to grow.

Then tho fun begins1 Sure enough, in a

few days time, tho groen hair begins to sprout and grow, making tho pottery

figure assumo on almost lifcliko appeorauco.

Grass Condnucs fo Grow!

Repeat Performance Often!

You can let tho grass continuo to grow, or,

remove the hair and repeat tho performance

any number of times.

The head is not affect

ed and any ordinarj* grass seed will grow satis


These heads have been favorites for

many years all over the world.

With these

two redesigned novelty heads they should bo

more in demand than ever before.

Large size

heads standing about 5-in, high.

Seldom fall

to arouse interest and amusement for they ap

pear quit© comical.

No trouble at all to keep.

Will grow indefinitely.

A fino indoor novelty.

Available in two styles.

No. 69&6. "Sunny Jim" Grass Hoad

with Seed. 6-in. high. Postpaid

No. 6966. "Elmer Iho Doughboy"

Head with Seed. Larger. Postpaid,..

No. 6966. Extra Seed.

Price Per Package Postpaid


Growing _

Deep Sea Life

As soon as these un

usual water flowers ar»

placed In water they im

mediately como to ••life."

Consists of large size

shell water flowers,

which when released in

water, spread out and

develop into shrubbery

and beautiful


The brilliant colors great

ly add to tlie effect and

give a llfo-Uke appear


The shells can after

wards be used In fish




and for various other

49c I



•K No. 4246. Price...'


Blooms In A Few Days, Indoors Or Outdoors

Any Time Of Year

Apparently Dead

It Comes fo Life I

This wonderful plant

phenomenon Is a curi

osity to botanists and

lovers of nature desire

to possess it. It has

the appearance of a

bunch of dried weeds,

and seems most un

likely over to develop

again into life and vigor;

yet in a very short tlmo

after its roots have boon

placed in water its leaves

expand and its bcniitlful

green color appenrs until it becomes a hnndsomo and

luxuriant forn-lllce plant. Makes a beautiful indoor

plant as it bloom.-? under almost any conditions.


No. 5000. RESURRECTION PLANT. Each....


3 for 25 cents. 75 cents per dozen postpaid




These Cultured Plant Balls Grow The Year 'Kourtd

Dutch Shoes

And Plants





Each Woedflfk Dutch Shoe comes complete with

pl.ants, ready to grow. Shoos expertly fa-shloncd, ac

curately flnfshed to resemble Dutch Shoes. Cut out

on Insfdo so tliat larger sices arc actually big enough

for a child to wear! Miracle Flower Plant supplied

with each shoo is sent In sealed pot. To grow it is

merely necessary to remove top, add water and

watch it grow. An indoor plant tliat grows all year |

round. Assorted plants including California Poppy, I

Bachelor Button, Larkspur, Marigold, Cosmos, Zinnia, |

Astcr<t, etc.


No. 5001. Miniature 3J/^" Dutch Shoo. Price. .

No. 5902. Large Vt/j" Dutch Shoe with 3


Miracle Flower Plants. Price Po5tp.ald . . . .

T** I


Get theso Amajting Plant Balls and grow them indoors at any time of tho year.,

Plant la specially prepared in dormant form surrounded by cultured plant food and


All tho nourisiimont the plant needs to grow i.s put right into the ball That

is, ovorything except water.

One dip into water awakena the plant and it commences

to grow.

Aside from this, no other attention

is necessary.

Tho beauty of this plant is that

it starts growing in several directions at once,

and, before long, it is a mass of growth 1 It

can bo grown in a bowl, suspended in air, in

basket, etc.

Can bo used to decorate your

house in a variety of ways.

Kcal plants—not

chemicals. Hnjoy tho beauty, tho fnigranco of

fresh plants in your house both summer and


No. 6401. Fern Bali Plant.. • »• v...

No. 5402. Sweot Pea Plant.


No. 6403. Nasturtium Plant


No. 6404. Spanish Peanut Plant


No. 5405. Marvol of Peru Plant



4 O'cloci;


Sweet Pea