96 Pages ol Parlor Tricks, Experlmoots,
Secroto of Second Sight, oto.
Fiil/y Explained with Almost 100Pictures!
CLBVERIjV porfonnoJ feata ot oonjurlnff,
Hlelr;lit-ot-lian<i :uid illusion Intoreat
everybody, and ability of the kind ai-
wayH Tuukf.»H one a v/olcomo cuoHt. Tnia
1b a book of 06
with nearly low
lllURtratlons. The Insiructlonp for p<>rfoTTO-
liiK are oo pltUnly Rivon that even a cMW.
with a little practice, can do thorn, na
only require SIMPLE APPAUATUb. Th«
book givey full and clear oxploiuvtlcna oc
an unusually large number of clover tricks
of all UindB, and a glanco at the partial
conionts givon below will glvn you a Tory
good idea iiu to the corapruiienHlve naturo
of this book. In addition thorc Is a chapter
on "SECX)N"D SIGHT", a combination of Hto
dlfToroni mothody which bnfllo the
DHtute Investlgaioro. The book la w<Ul wortri
the wlillo oven for thoso wlio moruly wlat*
to know how th»i tricks nro done, wrhllo for
the amateur mugiclan it is a perfect troao-
ury of golden opportunltlos.
The Wonderful Hat—The Magic Coin—^Pnlming Coin—Two invisible Substances, Each Hnvlfttt •
Pungent Smell, Converted into One Visible Compound, Hnvintt No Smell—To Moke the Hand and
Become Black by Waahingin Cienn Water-—To ^il im Bug without Fire—To Run a Knife Tbrou^ Onc^
Afro without Injury—How To Put an Egg In a BotUe-^ure for Troubletioinc Spectotoni-To •
Pc^ of Shavinttft and Convert Them intoiiwbbon—The Hat and Quarter Trick—To Make a Dime PM
through u Table—^Thc Polrer Puzzle—Muglcal lUuflionv—-The Erratic EgS—How to Cut. G1m»- 'Tho
Two Corainujiicntivc Buata —To Moke Fire-Proof Paper—The Four Confederate Cordi^TTic
thntOpcoa ot Command—How To Eat Tow and Set It on Fire in Your MouUl—HowToTcUThc Niimbcr
of which Any Pcnon Thinks—^The Baclumtod Cock —To Melt Steel aa Easily as Lead—To MftkeFlro
i^u-n Under Water —To Produce a Mouse From u Puck of Curdo—To Lift Tlirec Matches with One-
To Tell Hour of the Doy or Niglit by a SuspcncictlQuarter—An Amuslnri Trick for Drnvving-Room, om ft
Oood Subject for a Waper—A Self-Working Tumapit—The Magic Snufl Box—To Cook on Omelette in A
Hut An Erploiivc Bottle—To Take o Dollar Piece out of u Vaacof Wuter without Wetting Your Hands •
The Wonderful Swan—A Cord NoUcd to the WqUby o Phitol Slvot—Mncnetizcd Cone—LiviRibloVulbic—
Invisible Coin—Prince Rupert's Drop:*--Tlie Obedient rXnvc—Bengal Lighta—The Maglcol Knot—
Knoi'-kiug the HclkI /gainst u Door—HowTo Lift u Flint GUiho with a Straw—To Put o Ring tbroufihYoj«
Check, nnd Then to Bring It on a Stick—T\rcRussian Ring Trick—-To Change o Dime toaQaartcr™To
Mu.ceWnter Remnlain u Vessel with Holca its Bottom —The Coniuror'a Joke—To Moke Magic P»ctnrc»—
How To Melt Metal in a Walnut Shell—ToPut q LighUil Candle Under Wotci^-Thc MugjrOipv^®
Pnr.oaQuurter into a Ball of Worsted—To Change Color of Liqukt in GliisuSeveral Timeii-^-ToCut off A
Cliickcn'B Head Without Killinn It—To Make n Liquid Boil without a Fire—Ttie Cut Siring RMtortJ—
To Make Ice in Summer—Magic Mockv—TlicBottle Imp—ToPierce u PlunkWith the End Ci^Ie—
Magical Mirror—The Awl wliich Doca No Hnrm—How To Mnke n Coin Stick Against The
The Restored Ribbon- - - -
—The 1^ "
Trick—Oojff You —The Canl Chun^i by Woixl of o'jmmnnd—To Irikc Awuy Mkl^o
Object Witlioat Touehlng It —Iron Transformeu into Copper—A Liunp Tlut Will
for ®Yc,^-To
Fuminh Ladles NviUi a MoglcSupply of Ten or Coffeefrom tlKi Snme Jug—To Clmugc Wnter Into Wl«e—
To FuniHh a Trent to the Geiitlcnu^n—Tlie Double Mcnnkio—To Give n Porty n Ghoitly Ajqicanmco—
Candles Extincuislicd ami LialUcd by Pistol Sliots--Tlwt Qun Trick —How To Cut ciT *
To Remove u Key frrnn n Double String—To Miilre n Cnnl Pn*.tt from One Hand InUa tlie OtbCT -Tbo
l^nncina Egi:—To Make a Coin 'Tuna on Point of fv N«'dle—Mnglc Bouquctn—Mntyc Sluail^ -GUsa ot
Oirct Clinngixl into a Shower of Rtisc Larvcti—Mognifyinrt Rcllcctor—Vaniahlng Dime—Magic Snlv^r—
To Moke Water Riiio from n Saucci' into a Qln»*»--Fin:aiae McnmeriRm—To Ilold o Olusiful ot Water
upsifleDown—Ma^icKrj—Magic Knife - The Die Trick -To Pour Wine nnd Wnter Inin tl.o SomeGUisa
without Their Mixing—To Prepare ii Fountain of Fire—The Turn Wonder—The Old Mnn a Fnoc---To
tfliooi a BirtJ and Brina It To Life—Tho Cotijiiror's Stroke—The Decnpitntlon—The Link Boys- To
Draw tSvo Figurc-j on u Wnll. One of which\^^ll Light n Taper, nnd The Other Extinguish It.—The Liivt
Ring Found—The Doubled Coin—ToTcllin Advance a Cnrtl SclcctetJ—The Knife In theDrcnutcr—Ta
Burn the Poker in the Candle —To Find in the Pack and throiir.h n HnndLTrchlcf Whatever Card n Pertton
Has Droivi*—The Inoepoi-nblc Sticks; or, The Cut S^UipTiRestored—HoiKLlnrB Nut Trick—The Floutinc
nefttoii--Inc<7nibustiblc SulvjtnrK-ci—Tlie Doll TricI:—To Write a Ixdttr Five Mllen Off -To Copy m
Bcnl To Tell If A Person In In Love—To Make nCroailnthcHand with One Stroke of the Pu>--U<m
to briix'. n Person down upon a Fcnthcr, imd mnny otlirr tricks, ilhmiona, etc.
I'imtpMid fo any AddrcHM In Hie World, Only
tap.icl irr r
l liic U a
e n m ti
pQUist i lie wau-—
[ nter
—A Self-Turning Cross—To Cut nn Apple into Qunrtcrs without DamuLingthe Fc«
• iinponaibicOmelet—A S<ilf-Actlort Purnp—To Put » String into tlie Fire without Buruini It - A
er Changed into a T\v.>Ccnt Piece—The Sign of the Cross—The Visible Invisible—The Sccond-
JOUNBON BAflTIf ^ OO., DlO'l'noiT, MTOiriGAN