Punches and Cups
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For mining Punches in quantities it is well to
expend care on the choice of mixing bowls. En
deavour to obtain the best porcelain-lined ware.
In preparing Punches containing milk or eggs, the
milk or eggs—the latter partially whisked—should
be added very carefully and gradually, the mixture
being stirred continuously. (When hot wines or
spirits are present, they should be poured, slowly,
over the milk and partially beaten eggs.)
If each egg is broken into a separate glass before
being introduced to the actual drink, there will be
no danger of a bad or stale egg spoiling the rest
of the ingredients.
When all the ingredients ofa cold Punch have been
put into the mixing bowl, stir well with a wooden
spoon or fork, preferably oak, and set the mixture
in an ice box or very cold place,allowing it to stand
not less than five hours,nor more than ten.
When Champagne, ApoUinaris,
of Punches or Cups, they should not be added
to the mixture imtil the last moment just before
serving. Otherwise, the gas with which they are
charged wotold escape and leave the drmk flat"
and insipid.
Do not, unless you prefer to, put ice into the basic
mixture for cold Punches, as it is far better to
apply an ice"surround." lu this way: Procure a
serviceable vessel of the same depth as the mixing
bowl. Broken ice can then be packed between the
bowl and the containing vessel. If rock-salt is
sprinkled over the surface of the ice, a freezmg
effect much colder than that ofp am i is o tained.
Cracked ice can be
lumps in a cloth and beating them with a hammer.
In completion, and to give a decorative appearance
to the Planch bowl, pin a white hnen cloth around
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