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Healthful Hints

That"Angostura"is, in itself, a boon to health

is proved by the hearty word of support given to

it by the medical profession.

Here is a letter, typical of m^y and many another,

sent to us by a leading practitioner:

"Permit me to express to you my appreciation of

"the value and usefulness of your Bitters which

"have been of inestimable service to me in thou-

"sands of cases of illnesses during the 15 years

"since I have been practising. I never go without

" 'Angostura' and no home should be without it.

"It often is a panacea."

When the virtues of"Angostura"in the eradi

cation of physical discomfort are known, when

"Angostura's" beneficent eflfea on the general

health is experienced—the following uses will be

appreciated as fully as they deserve.

"Angostura,"the tonic properties ofwhich add such

flavour and zest to social drinks, can safely and

beneficially be employed as a domestic cordial.

Here are some of the uses discovered, and profited

by, through the 100 years of"Angostura's"life.

GENERAL TONIC.—Angostura Bitters are of

great value as a tonic where the vitality is a little

low and a toning up is necessary. Taken with a

little fruit juice before meals"Angostnra"has a

marked action on the appetite and digestion.

COLDS.—When wet or cold a chill can often be

warded off if a tablespoonful of"Angostura"is

taken in half a cup of warm water, sweetened to

taste. Dissolve the sugar in the warm water before

adding the"Angostura."

INFLUENZA.—Taken in the same way as for

colds,"Angostura" is decidedly beneficial in

lessening the lowering efiect of this malady.

PAIN.—A valuable use of"Angostura," known to

ladies is the alleviation of internal pain which

may occur at certain times. A teaspoonful to a

tablespoonful of"Angostura"m warm sweetened

water is very comforting. In obstinate cases great

relief can be obtained by repeating the dose once

or twice at half hourly intervals.

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