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them the gradually-aged look Peckinpah wanted.

Next it was the prop men's turn to face

the wrath of the now incessantly shouting

director; the guns misfired so frequently, it

swiftly depleted the stock of blank ammunition.

The following day it was the sound engineers

who were screamed at, then the caterers, after

some of the cast found maggots in their food.

Throughout the


shoot Peckinpah

would fire a total of fifteen Columbia-contracted

staff, which directly impacted on the progress

of the production. The intense pressure

of directing his first big budget movie also led

him to drink more heavily, often arriving on set

in the morning still drunk from the night before.

James Coburn, who played Dundee’s scout

Samuel Potts, described Peckinpah thus: “Sam

was a working alcoholic who was a genius

filmmaker for three hours a day, after that he

was just a mean, drunken son of a bitch."

With the first month of shooting falling

well behind schedule, Jerry Bresler, described

by one of the cast as “wall-to-wall worry”,

arrived in Durango intending to speed up the

production. But his arrival created immediate

friction between himself and his director,

culminating with Peckinpah threatening

him: “Jerry, I’m not going to shoot another foot

of film until you leave this set”.  A chagrined

Bresler had no choice but to fly back to LA.

Moving the film equipment – along

with hundreds of horses and ponies – to various

locations across the inhospitable Mexican

terrain was akin to a full military operation, and

swiftly racked up costs. The production was

now seriously falling behind schedule despite

shooting 12 hours a day, six days a week, and

all in the searing heat of the Mexican desert.

Peckinpah gave his near exhausted

actors very little direction, but he seemed

fire-breathing civilian preacher

Reverend Dahlstrom, had earlier


Major Dundee

as “Moby

Dick on horseback”. And as filming

progressed, Armstrong perceived

that reality was indeed paralleling

the story – Peckinpah, like the

Dundee/Ahab character, had

become obsessed with his quest.

Although Peckinpah admired

Heston, he felt the actor's

performance in many of his films

always seemed to have too much

swagger and posturing to be

entirely convincing. Never the

diplomat, Sam would often tell

his star – in front of the cast – to

stop posing and try to act natural.

Needless to say these outbursts

infuriated the actor.

It all came to a head during the

filming of a scene with Heston

moving his cavalry troop down a

hill at a trot. Peckinpah, stationed

atop a camera crane, shouted to

Heston “Chuck, that was absolute

crap, you came far too slow. Go

back and do it again.” “You told me

to do it at a trot,” yelled Heston.

Peckinpah fired back, “I did not,

you goddamned liar”. Heston’s

fuse finally blew and he wheeled

his horse around, drew his cavalry

sabre, and charged at the director

at full gallop. Peckinpah screamed

at the crane operator, “Crank it

up! For Chrissakes crank it up!"

As the crane arm lifted, Heston’s

outstretched sabre missed the

seat of Peckinpah’s pants by a

whisker, which highly amused the

cast and crew.

By the middle of March the film

was 14 days behind schedule and

$600,000 over budget. Columbia’s

vice president, accompanied

by numerous “studio suits”, arrived

in Mexico and immediately drove

to the production’s Rio Balsas location. Their

mission – to remove Sam Peckinpah from the

Major Dundee

project and replace him.

To be continued...

Sam was a working

alcoholic who was a

genius filmmaker for

three hours a day, after

that he was just a mean,

drunken son of a bitch

The character Teresa Santiago was not in the original story, but producer

Jerry Bresler wanted a “love interest” injected into the script. Peckinpah

balked at the idea but Bresler insisted that a female role be written, and

that Austrian actress Senta Berger be cast in that role. The end result was

an unlikely – and superfluous – romantic sub-plot that went nowhere. 

to instinctively know when a scene was not

quite right, ordering the actors to repeat it and

blandly adding, “but this time do it differently”.

Often he appeared to be just wildly shooting

thousands of feet of film, which prompted

Charlton Heston to ask, “What the hell is this

film about?” R.G. Armstrong, who played the

Heston takes a

break from filming

with his young son


(Fraser Heston

had appeared in

The Ten



as the Infant Baby Moses

where his father had

played the adult Moses)

Actress Senta Berger discusses her role with director

Sam Peckinpah during a break in shooting

James Coburn as

Dundee's one-armed

scout, Sam Potts,

with two of his Indian

scouts on location

filming in Mexico

Actor R.G.


as Reverend
